Chapter 23: "'Adventure' with Demona"

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As Royce was about to leave the ballroom, he was stopped by Angel's sister, Demona, grabbed Royce's shoulder, gaining his attention.

Demona: "Oh no you don't," Demona turned him around and looked him into his eyes, "I think you owe (me) a little something, or I'll rat you out to the  cops."

Royce: "Well, I do strike you one as attractive," Royce says to the Jet-Black- and Red-eyed raccoon woman, as she takes him out of the ballroom, "now what do you want Ms.Demona, a date? Cause if it was anything else, you would have already taken care of it, if it involved me; could have put me in the spotlight and given me away in front of an audience; it surely would make you a powerful person. Now why am I so important to you that you wouldn't expose me right in front of a large crowd?" Royce asks the raccoon, looking into her eyes, hoping to get some answers out of Demona and what her motives were.

Demona: "Eh. Not real much, just wanted to say for someone who has never danced, you really impressed me and not many, if anyone impresses me."

Royce: "So what do you want from me?"

Demona: "I-", Demona then bites Royce's nose, resulting in a nose-bleed, before moving a paw up and down his body seductively, "wanna see what you really are and what you are capable of."

Royce: "There are cops here?" Royce asked surprised, faking his reaction, hoping Demona wouldn't notice too much.

Demona: "No, just my boss's Security Forces. It's a party and I have an important part to do here, and my boss, Rajan, told me to 'relax, but be vigilant'. Like how am I to interact with the guests if I'm in charge of my boss's Security Forces and in charge of Rajan's Spice Operation?!"

Royce: "Why not have someone to (temporarily) take care of them while you relax? Know anyone who can, or will relieve you of your position until you wish to return?" Royce suggests to the Red- and Jet-Black-eye-colored female raccoon.

Demona: "Maybe my band members," Demona told Royce as she got her cell-phone from out of her dress, "now hold on for a minute while I make this call. Then we'll get back to where we last left off." She says as Demona lays a paw on Royce's neck, and with a small swipe, leaving a small but noticeable mark before giving a seductive smile as a result.

After making calls to Rajan and her "Band Members"...

Royce: "Sooo... how did it go? Are we- as in 'you and I' free to do whatever- around the palace?"

Demona: "Mostly... we are mostly allowed to go around the palace without you getting into much trouble. Even if the guards try to cause issues with you, they'll go through me," Demona said to Royce, menacingly, "All the guards who defy us are usually met with executions."

Royce: "Talk about serious dedication to the job," he says to himself as he starts another conversation with Demona, "so, Demona... where do the two of us go?"

Demona: "Oh I know of a place where we could 'be alone and have a little fun' if you know what I mean." Demona says before putting on a sadistic smile, "I'm going to have my fun with this guy."

Royce: "Demona, are you okay? Hello..." Demona said while having a thirsty look in her eyes, Royce then looks into Demona's eyes, noticing something, "Yep, she definitely has that look in her eyes."

Demona: "What look?"

Royce: "Like you want to do something to me; something I don't want to imagine." Royce explained.

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