Chapter 3: Talking w/ Carmelita Fox

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Royce: "Ms.Fox!," this gained the Interpol Vixens attention as she reenters Royce's room, "I think now might be a time to talk. I got the time. So... how did I get here? Why am I in a... hospital?"

Carmelita: "You interfered with an Interpol investigation."

Royce: "Uh-O. Sorry."

Carmelita: "Not your fault. Lab says you were still under the influence of cryogenic-drunkenness."

Royce: "Cryogenic-drunkenness?"

Carmelita: "Your body got so cold that it basically produces alcohol. Did you eat anything starchy, recently?"

Royce: "How does that happen? I don't have any metabolic disorders!"

Ms.Chelle: "It's a temporary side-effect. It'll wear off."

Royce: "The Cryogenic-drunkenness?"

Ms.Chelle: "Yes."

Royce: "Ms.Fox, how did I get here? In a hospital?"

Carmelita: "It was my fault," Royce only looked at her in confusion, "don't worry, I got time to explain..."


Carmelita: "I'll find you Cooper!"

As Carmelita was shouting at the top of her lungs, she proceeded to get down and hop into her police cruiser before chasing the Cooper Gang into the nearby pyramid, but while near the pyramid Carmelita crashed. Not outside, but inside an unknown facility.

Carmelita: "Where am I? What is this place?" Carmelita asked herself as she uncovers a cryopod with an unknown being (Royce) inside, "huh? What is this thing in here?"

Sly: "So... come up on something interesting now, did you?"

Carmelita: "Get back here Cooper," she yelled at her criminal love-interest while firing several shock pistol rounds before returning back to Royce's Cryogenic-pod and began fiddling with some buttons, then his pod started to open, "Uh-O, did I do something wrong?," this was when Carmelita then went back to her cruiser and called for police dispatch and also called in a bus. "This is Inspector Fox, I need a bus, got an unconscious person here. Location, uh- you're not going to believe me when I say this but inside the pyramid not far from the Museum of Natural History."

Dispatch: "10-4. Wait a minute, did you say inside the pyramid? Alright, sending all available units."

Flashback ends...

Royce: "Wait a minute... so you are saying you are the one that found and opened my cryopod? Not to mention save my life and brought me here?"

Carmelita: "Yes."

Royce: "Ms.Chelle, may I be given permission to be discharged?"

Ms.Chelle: "Ms.Fox, he's all yours but first I'll need you to sign his release papers," Ms.Fox then proceeds to sign Royce's release papers, "if anything happens out of the ordinary shortly, you report back to the hospital immediately."

Carmelita: "He'll be fine, hopefully," Carmelita said to Chelle before bringing out handcuffs for Royce, "this is for police escort. You're not under arrest, I assure you."

Royce: "Then why are the cuffs really necessary?!"

Carmelita: "Would you rather me carry you out of here in the wheelchair or on my back? Your choice..." she said sarcastically. "Look, I'm only taking you in because it is standard police procedure."

Royce: "You can carry me out for starters..."

Carmelita: "I was being sarcastic!"

Royce: "I mean it. Either that, or I'm not leaving this hospital, even with the fact that there are WALKING ANIMALS."

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