Chapter 5: Meeting Porshe's Daughter...

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Shortly after Porsche was assigned protection duty in the Royce Case, Porsche went to her car with Royce following right behind her and into her car.

Porsche: "So Royce, tell me a little bit about yourself."

Royce: "Well... like what?"

Porsche: "Your past. How about that for a start?"

Royce: "It was violent, people were trying to murder me, there were a small Task Force dedicated to my protection. Saying I was the last hope for humanity."

Porsche: "Sounds scary."

Royce: "Trust me, it was. Especially if you're getting shot at."

Porsche: "Sounds pretty messed up. Were you always in dangerous situations?"

Royce: "Nah," Royce said, denying the fact his life wasn't too terrifying, "there was a time before the War and the Apocalypse where it was pretty pleasant in some places."

Porsche: "When was it ever pleasant before the Apocalypse? Or the War?"

Royce: "I don't want to talk about it. So when you mentioned 'Your Daughter' to the Police Chief and Carmelita, what is she like?"

Porsche: "How old are you?"

Royce: "23. Why?"

Porsche: "Since you are *cough* human, my daughter has a non-stop obsession with the study of humanity. Maybe if you are allowed to stick around long enough, maybe you could become her father? Poor child had to grow up without a father figure."

Royce: "How old is your daughter?"

Porsche: "She's 12 but she doesn't like fake father-figures much. In fact, she'll pretty much despite them."

Royce: "So why are you asking me to be a father figure for your daughter if she despises males? Sounds kinda ironic if you ask me."

Porsche: "Yeah," Porsche said, agreeing with the 23-year-old, "I know. But she needs someone..."

Royce: "So you're asking me (with or without consent) to act as a parenting figure, right?"

Porsche: "That's about the size of it. It also gives me some insight into your interactions with different age groups."

Meanwhile, upon arriving at Porsche's house...

Royce: "Wow, nice digs!"

Porsche: "Uh, digs?"

Royce: "I mean- this is by the looks of it an expensive place, right? Kinda fancy, how did you manage to afford a place like this? You must live like a queen, am I right? He-he." Royce questions Porsche with a chuckle.

Porsche: "It's pre-paid by Interpol," Porsche explains, "the rent- I mean mortgage and as long as I continue to work with Interpol I can live here without much, if any problems."

Royce: "You do enjoy your work at Interpol," Royce began asking Porsche as he was interested in her feelings, "right?"

Porsche: "Of course, why you ask?"

Royce: "Not much. Just figured you don't get asked about how you are doing or how you feel much. Like what you are doing makes you feel as if you are under-appreciated, or don't contribute to much, let alone anything."

Porsche: "Oh," Porsche reacted, being touched by Royce's words, "I- thanks for asking. It means a lot to me, very few people ever ask how I am doing. As for my job, I help out by analyzing a criminals behavior," Porsche figured after it was time that the two were finished with their conversation that they should go inside and meet Porsche's daughter, "say, I think now would be the time you get to know and meet my daughter. Just so you know, I don't know how she might reciprocate to your presence, so try to make small-talk and don't be pushy with wanting to earn her love and respect."

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