Chapter 8: "The Black Chateau"

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Sly Cooper: "I had to call in a few favors to get the goods on the Klaww Gang's local operator, Dimitri, a sort of underworld celebrity. Equally at home at high-class art-circles and shady back-alley crimes. He was once a passionate young art student who worked hard to develop his own visionary style. Unfortunately, the art world wasn't ready quite for his kinetic ecstatic. So he gave them what, and started forging old masterpieces, his way of punishing with bad taste. Dimitri now runs a nightclub on the Westside, the thumping music, colorful light-shows and a hint of danger lure in shic young patrons from far and wide and it's here where hidden somewhere where we'll find the Clockwerk Tail-feathers. What Dimitri plans to do with the Clockwerk Part is beyond me, but those plans end. Tonight."

Sly said as he was done talking to Royce and his Gang before going outside with Royce attempting to follow him, only to be stopped by Bentley.

Bentley: "Oh no you don't Royce. It's not safe here, you have no protection."

Royce: "That is so NOT true," He told the box turtle as he proceeded to grab his controller-type which ended up pricking and causing him to bleed a little before turning into a pistol, "see, I got a firearm of my choosing. I don't need no Shock Pistol to defend myself. Now, send me off with Sly."

Bentley: "Fine," Bentley giving into the 23-year-old's demands, "whatever you do- do not give Sly any trouble. This is a Recon Mission, and is very important. Oh, and take this, it's a Binococom." Bentley said to Royce as he went outside spotting the ringtail climbing a pipe onto the top of the Safe-house. Before he himself climbed the pole as well.

Satellite Sabotage

Sly Cooper: "I tell ya Bentley, it's going to be a real pleasure robbing this Nightclub."

Bentley: "I share in your enthusiasm, but before we hit the inside we'll need to do a little reconnaissance work."

Sly Cooper: "What do you have in mind?"

Bentley: "I've installed this special antenna on the safe-house to help with your first job- hacking into Dimitri's satellite array. The coordinates for the job start beacon have been uploaded to your Binococom. Make your way to this position and I'll give you (and Royce) a full briefing on our objective."

Sly Cooper: "Royce is with me?"

Royce: "I'm right behind you. So, where are we going?"

Sly Cooper: "We're on our way." Sly says through the Binococom to Bentley as he carries Royce onto his back. "I can't believe I am doing this, why am I carrying you?"

Royce: "Why are you carrying me? This is ridiculous! Let me just run aside you, I can avoid trouble."

Sly Cooper: "Fine, but meet me at the Job Beacon."

Royce: "Yes sir."

Bentley: "Sly, I need you and Royce to hack into Dimitri's communication array so we'll have access to his database."

Sly Cooper: "How am I suppose to do that?"

Bentley: "To start, you'll need to get to the top of that tower. Then reposition the satellite dish to point at my safe house antenna. If you two want to climb on stuff, just climb on. Tell Royce to try climbing that pipe."

Sly Cooper: "Right, jump and climb pipes. I'm on it." Sly Cooper says to Bentley as before putting away his Binococom and informing Royce on Bentley's instructions, "Royce, Bentley says that we need to reposition the antenna's like the one up there and point them at the safe house, he says you should climb up this pipe and redirect the antenna. Think you can do that?" The Master Thief asked the human.

Royce DeBarry in the Adventures of Sly 2: Band of ThievesWhere stories live. Discover now