Chapter 21: "A Starry Eyed Encounter"

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Sly: "Another Clockwerk part had surfaced in India. So the boys and I loaded up the van zeroed in on our next target. A mysterious Spice Lord known as Rajan; a self-made man whom grew up poor on the streets of Calcutta. He started his life of crime selling illegal Spices in the black market. Eventually growing a small outfit to a sizable operation, and earning himself a seat in the prestigious Klaww Gang. He's since crowned himself "Lord of The Hills" and while he goes to great lengths to convince others of his royalty, it's mostly to convince himself. True to form, he's holding a lavish ball in his newly purchased Ancestral Palace, the reason? To show off his latest acquisition, the Clockwerk Wings; the symbol of my enemy. If you saw the Wings silhouetted against the night sky it was already too late for you, especially if your name is Cooper. Rajan believes displaying the Wings will bring him prestige, and maybe they will. But they're also bringing me."

Cutscene Ends...

Meanwhile, with the Cooper Gang...

Bentley: "That's strange..." Bentley says as he notices something strange show up on his laptop, "uh, Sly, I am picking something up on my computer. It's- it's Royce's' signal! But what is he doing here?"

Sly: "You want me to go and check up on your lead, Bentley? Maybe convince Royce to join back with us in the Gang?"

Bentley: "I'm staring at him through the balcony, he's, uh... talking with some female raccoon with a red- and black-striped tail who just bit his right-hand." He said towards Sly Cooper as Sly went into the field, looking for Royce, "Sly, just convince him to take some Recon Photos then return back to our hideout."

Sly: "Okay, Bentley, see you then." Sly says to Bentley as he leaves the hideout and proceeds towards the Palace grounds, only to be blocked by a drawbridge.

Bentley: "With the drawbridge up, the only way across that river is on those conical rocks. Do you remember how to Spire Jump?"

Sly: "What? You think I'd forget one of the Cooper family's greatest thief moves? Whenever I'm near pointed objects I just need to jump on them to perform a ninja spire landing."

Bentley: "That is correct... now, let's see it in action." Bentley said as Sly jumped across 3 sharp rocks, landing on solid ground before sneaking into the Palace grounds. Once inside the Palace grounds, he made his way towards Royce, whom was enjoying the sights of the beautiful sunrise.

Royce's P.O.V.

Royce: "This is such a beautiful sunrise. A nice ball, plenty of food, drinks, women in beautiful dresses, and I'M at the center of attention. Then there is that other raccoon-lady, she seems to have a strange obsession with me, I have better yet be careful."

P.O.V. Ends...

Sly: "Royce, how did you get here?"

Royce: "Sly? What are you doing here?"

Sly: "I should ask the same of you, the Gang and I thought you were arrested! We need you back in the Gang."

Royce: "I wish I could, but I'm kinda under close Interpol "supervision" here."

Sly: "Carmelita?"

Royce: "I'm involved in an undercover Interpol operation but I don't know what exactly. All I can imagine is it involving a criminal of some sorts."

Sly: "Ok, here are our coordinates to join us back at our base."

Royce: "... And here is something in return," Royce said to the Master Thief as he gave him his personal calling card, "talk to you when I can." He told Sly before something else came to him, "Hey Sly," The thieving raccoon turns around to him, "Where is the mission job start beacon?"

Sly: "Bentley, do you still have access to Royce's Binococom?"

Bentley: "I've already sent him the job start coordinates."

Royce: "See you guys back at the Safe-house!"

Royce arrives at the Job Start Beacon: Ballroom Recon

Bentley: "I figured out how to sneak in above the ballroom without being detected. The only problem is there's no way to climb up to that balcony door."

Royce: "Not a problem. There seems to be plenty of branches to walk on... I'll figure it out." Royce said to Bentley through his personal Binococom as he was about to climb several branches and onto the Balcony, right before entering the door.

Bentley: "Easy does it Royce, just don't go out on that balcony and you should remain undetected." Bentley informs Royce as he notices the same red- and black- tailed female raccoon he was hanging out with earlier... sleeping... on a nearby couch.

Royce: "Oh, it's her... that woman, the one flirting with me earlier. Wait, what is that thing between her legs," what he saw made him blush, "what in the world? I can't believe she sleeps with that thing!"

Bentley: "You say something, Royce?"

Royce: "No Bentley, haven't started taking any photos yet." Royce said as he proceeded towards the balcony and began taking photos.

Bentley: "Looks like the Wings have been welded onto that statue," Bentley says as Royce takes a picture of one of the Clockwerk Wings, "They look heavy. Getting the Wings out of here will be a real challenge." Bentley exclaimed before Royce pointed his Binococom upwards towards an Electronic Winch, "An Electronic Winch, that could be useful." Bentley pointed out. Royce then spotted a purple-striped tiger and took a picture of him, "that's him, Rajan's really pulled out all these stops to impress people with this party." Bentley mumbled before suggesting something to Royce, "Maybe you should get some shots of the guest." Royce then sighted a parrot on some mechanical apparatus, "another Klaww Gang member, Arpeggio specializes in exotic technology." Then Royce saw a muscular Bison, "Jean Bison, a member of the Klaww Gang, and Canadian shipping baron, he owns half of all the trains in Canada." Suddenly Royce spotted a humanoid-spider, "That's the Contessa, a high-ranking prison warden for Interpol, she must be working undercover to expose Rajan's Spice Ring." Royce suddenly saw Carmelita Fox, "Carmelita's here too, she must be undercover with the Contessa to help bust Rajan!" Royce took another picture of yet another Interpol Officer, "Neyla?! Another officer undercover, watch yourself Royce, this party is crawling with cops!!" Bentley says in disbelief as Royce puts away his Binococom, "That's all the photos I need, bring them back to the Safe-house and we'll start building a game plan."

Royce: "Awesome Bentley, see you at the Hideout!," Royce replied before bringing out his signature calling card, to which he was about to write something to this red- and black-tailed raccoon that was flirting with him earlier, "I hope this doesn't alarm you but if you want to meet with me again, call me at this number (puts in number here), by the way... you were pleasant to hang out with while enjoying the sunrise. I shall be going now."

Slideshow Time...

Bentley: "Stealing the Clockwerk Wings in the middle of a crowded ballroom is going to take some serious misdirection. And a squad of undercover cops, only makes things more complicated. Although, we might be able to use them to our advantage, but no matter what we do in the Ballroom, sooner or later, we'll need to deal with Rajan's Security Chopper. Murray can take it out with some of the local armaments, but he won't be able to get inside the Palace until Sly lowers the drawbridge for him." Bentley then once again looks at Royce and thanks him for the intelligence that he brought them.

Royce DeBarry in the Adventures of Sly 2: Band of ThievesWhere stories live. Discover now