Chapter 22: Ball-Room Dance Party & Steal A Tuxedo (Even though I have a Tux?)

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With Sly going to pickpocket 5 keys to the drawbridge, then returning back to the controls for the bridge, it was up to Royce to do his part of the mission: To infiltrate the Ball-Room personally. How? By "stealing a tuxedo", even though he had one of his own.

*Royce begins to knock on the ballroom door*

Royce: "Hello, I'm here for the dance."

Doorman: "Whuh? Sorry "Sir" but we have a dress code... you got a tuxedo?"

Royce: "Uhh... no?" Royce said, lying to the doorman.

Doorman: "Sorry, pal. No tux, no entry!" The Doorman exclaimed, making sure Royce got the message as he closed the slide and ended his conversation with the human.

Bentley: "Sorry Royce. Somehow I totally overlooked the need for formal wear. That guy is not going to let you in without a tuxedo."

Royce: "I knew that this would happen," Royce says to himself, "Don't beat yourself up Bentley... at a party this ritzy there has to be a spare penguin suit around here somewhere."

Bentley: "Try the guesthouse, someone may have over packed." Bentley advises.

Royce: "Of course! Makes sense!!" Royce though to himself as he listened to Bentley while rushing towards the Guesthouse, hoping no one spots him as he puts on his "spare" penguin suit (tuxedo), "well, here goes nothing..." Royce says out loud before entering the Guesthouse. "Ok Bentley, I'm in position inside the Guest House, have any intel for me?"

Bentley: "Ah well, I'd recommend searching all the rooms. It's statistically probably that each should hold at least one portion of a tuxedo."

Royce: "What do I look for inside the rooms?"

Bentley: "This isn't an exact science; ransack the place until you find part of a tuxedo."

Royce: "Any plan which involves ransacking is OK with me." Royce says as he climbs a nearby pole and onto some chandeliers.

Rajan: "Attention guards, this is Lord Rajan, the party is in full swing and all visitors are now in the ball-room. So be on alert for prowlers, I don't want any bad press from this event."

Royce: "At least everyone is pre-occupied at the ball," he said to himself as he began dressing up, "well, time to begin with this Job." Royce comments while putting on the tuxedo, "hope this works." Royce continued talking to himself as he jumps off the chandelier before encountering a guard while trying to entering a room.

Rhino Guard: "You there, what are you doing here? You're suppose to be in the ball-room."

Royce: "I- Uh, I forgot where my ballroom tuxedo was; this is just my attire; I need my stuff," Royce told the guard as he got a Tuxedo Jacket from the room.

Meanwhile, in the ballroom...

Carmelita: "I can't believe that we lost Royce, where would he have gone? Not too far, right Porsche?" Carmelita asked the female wolf as she was drinking some Sangria.

Porsche: "It wasn't my fault that Red and Jet- Blacked Demon took him outside and probably began flirting and seducing him, to a place of who knows where!"

Haley: "Mom, what happened to dad? Why hasn't he returned?"

Porsche: "HE WAS SEDUCED BY THAT RED AND BLACK RACCOON OVER THERE, she- she stole your father. I don't know where he is and if I knew where he was... he would be right here, beside us. Whatever you do, don't talk to her... I don't trust her whatsoever. Something about her spells 'dangerous and untrustworthy', Haley." Porsche said drinking her own Sangria, but non-alcoholic.

Royce DeBarry in the Adventures of Sly 2: Band of ThievesWhere stories live. Discover now