Chapter 18: A Reunification

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Carmelita's POV

Carmelita: "Man, he sure is a heavy sleeper. I wonder if the Cooper Gang exhausted him. That kiss though, it was pretty nice. What are you saying Carmelita, uh, focus!" Carmelita said to herself as she watched over the sleeping human while also paying attention to the road.

No one's POV

Royce begins to wake up...

Royce: *yawn* "Why does it feel so bumpy?"

Carmelita: "Sorry for the rough ride. We are almost at Interpol. So, how are you feeling?"

Royce: "Sleepy."

Carmelita: "Save your strength, you'll need it." Carmelita then proceeded to pull over to the side of the road, "have you ever been marked?"

Royce: "'Marked'? What do you mean if I have been marked? Like targeted and shot at, marked, or..." Royce kept talking before Carmelita sank her teeth into Royce's neck, causing him to yelp in pain as blood was drawing from his neck, "What the f*ck, Carmelita!! What was that for?? You're no f*cking vampire, are you?!" Royce demanded to know as he was trying to soothe his throbbing neck.

Carmelita: "I'm no vampire," Carmelita said humorously, "and when a females 'marks' a male, it means they have potential interest in them. It also gives off a scent to other females to make them known that the male they're 'interested in' is already taken. And sorry for the blood being drawn, I do apologize. It's the first time I've marked someone."

Royce: "What about- ow! What about Porsche, can she Mark me after you just Marked me?"

Carmelita: "I- uh, I really don't know that one. You'll have to see for yourself. I do know she is the single type. See how she reacts to you being Marked and you will get your answer."

Meanwhile, after arriving no at Interpol H.Q. ...

Carmelita: "Boss, I got the package..."

Royce: "Don't call me that."

Porsche: "Is that who I think it is?" Porsche asked out loud before seeing Royce, "Royce! It's you, come here," she called out to Royce whom just stood there, "What's wrong, Royce? Don't you want to come back home? To see Haley? She's been missing you since you've left."

Royce: "Haley? Missed me? No way." He said as he rushed at Porsche like a child missing their parents, then Porsche noticed the side of Royce's neck was punctured and perforated in what resembled red fox bite marks. "Porsche, what's wrong?"

Porsche: "Why are there Red Fox bite marks around your neck? Carmelita, did you have something to do with this?"

Carmelita: "Maybe... he is so cute and irresistible." She said pulling on Royce's cheek a bit before being taken away by Porsche.

Porsche: "You ready to go, Royce?"

Royce: "Yes."

Upon arriving at Porsche's apartment...

Haley: "Mom, you're back! Any news about Royce?"

Royce: "I'm right here," Royce says as he appears from right behind Porsche, "and I'm back." Royce says as the preteen-age female wolf ran up to Royce and gripped him tightly, "I missed you too, baby girl." Royce gripped the child in return. Porsche then interrupted the reunion when her phone rang and she answered it.

Porsche: "Yes? Bring a dress? Heels and my gear? Wait, tomorrow?!"

Royce: "What was that about?" Royce asked his wolf protector, Porsche while holding Haley in a warm embrace. "And why do need a dress with heels and the unusual attire? Aren't you a criminal psychologist?"

Porsche: "I am, but that doesn't mean I'm not allowed to do undercover missions."

Royce: "You do undercover missions?"

Porsche: "No, but it will be my first mission besides protecting you. Don't worry, you and Haley will be tagging along. I'll just need to find you a suit for the ball and a dress for Haley for it to work."

Royce: "So what is this 'Mission' you speak of?"

Porsche: "I'm sorry, but that's on a need to know basis."

Royce: "I bet you would look sooo hot in a dress." Haley heard the comment Royce made about her mother.

Haley: "I heard what you said about my mother, calling her hot. You love her."

Royce: "That doesn't change the fact that I still care about you. To me, you're considered my child, even though weren't not biologically related."

Haley: "So you're not using me to get at my mom?"

Royce: "Absolutely not!"

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