Chapter 25: "A 'Date' with Demona"

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Just as Demona was about to leave the hideout and return to her place of residence, Royce called out and went after her, resulting in her stopping for the human to catch up to her.

Demona: "What do you want, Royce? I have to be back in my room before anyone begins to get suspicious, especially with my disappearance. I don't want anyone to go after you, now that I know the truth about you being a human."

Royce: "I was going to ask you if you wanted to go with me, out on for a date, but I guess I might as well forget it," Royce explains to Demona as he fakes walking away, "but then again, I guess not everyone deserves a bit of love, here and there, not even criminals. Especially if given the chance..." This quickly gained Demona's attention but not in a way Royce expected, as he "played it off."

Demona: "What are you implying, Royce? That I'm not good enough for you? Would you prefer my sister more? Am I not your type? Does my behavior disgust you?" Demona barraged Royce with question after question before shaking his head in denial, "Then what is it?! Tell me, before I put you before my Lord and expose you to the world!!"

Royce: "Demona," Royce begins to kneel down, as he began to ask the female criminal raccoon, "would you like to go out on a date with me; Royce DeBarry, the last human-being to exist in the known living-world? To make me, a happy man, someone who doesn't care about the fact this woman he's asking is a direct or indirect threat to him? Will you, Demona, go on a date with me?"

Demona: "Fine,"Demona gave into pressure as she was put onto the spot, "but get up, you look ridiculous in such a submissive position like that!"

Royce: "Now, I'll ask again, will you go on a date with me?"

Demona: "Yes, I'll go out with you, just... let me go back to my place and get a change of clothing, you might want to go and get a change of clothes as well..."

Royce: "Uh... yeah, sure," Royce told her with nervousness, hopefully not wanting to screw the pooch, "I'll, uh... see you after I go get dressed from the Guest House, then we'll go out and do something, huh?"

Demona: "Like what? I am a woman of style and taste, I am not simple to please. You want to know what happens to those who fail to please me, those whom fail to impress my high-standards?"

Royce: "What? I'm all ears."

Demona: "Take a guess..."

Royce: "Why don't you just tell me, it's much more fun that way!" This surprised Demona as a result, he didn't play one of her guessing games, but he did follow after her.

Demona: "Kill-joy, you're no fun."

Royce: "I'm a killjoy? How?! Is it because I'm not playing along with your little tricks or games; maybe it's because I'm not like other guys and that's why you fall head-over-heels for me... or something like that. Whatever, the reason being, I'm no killjoy. It's just I'm more-or-less likely to fall for certain tricks. Even if it means falling for a certain female raccoon whom turns out to also be a criminal." Royce told Demona blankly, with no attempt at sugar-coating what he was truly implying and saying to her.

Demona: "You got a problem with me being a criminal, let alone possessing a criminally-based attitude and mindset?" Demona came onto Royce with suspicion, as to why he was questioning her so strongly, this in turn made her a tad-bit aggressive towards Royce, "Better start talking Royce, cause you don't want to be ending up on my bad-side!" She threatened him.

Royce: "Demona... I have no intention of causing any harm to you; I don't care, nor mind you being a criminal. The only thing that I do mind is if have any intention or plan on having intentions of bringing harm to me, that's all I care about, nothing else."

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