Chapter 19: Going To India.

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The Next Day, Packing...

Haley: "Dad! Do you have my laptop?"

Royce: "Yes, I have your laptop," he tells Haley as he began looking through their first suitcase, "Haley, where is your dress for the ball? And your formal wear, where is that?"

Haley: "It's with my stuff, dad! With all my clothes."

Porsche: "Is everything almost ready? We got to leave to the airport and not be late! We cannot miss this privately reserved plane meant for Interpol agents, and I will NOT miss this flight!"

Royce: "Come on Haley, your mother says we're going to miss our flight! What's taking you so long?!"

Haley: "I'm trying to find my bra's and my other clothes," Haley justified, defending herself, "get out of my room and call mom in here dad!" Haley demanded from Royce before having her mother sent in to assist Haley as Porsche witnessed Royce blushing.

Porsche: "You seriously need to find your clothes? I thought you already had your clothes ready and why is he blushing?! What did you do and or say to him?!"

1 hour later...

Meanwhile, at the airport...

Porsche: "Do you two have your plane tickets with you? You won't be able to board the plane without it."

Haley: "I have mine." Haley proceeds to bring out her plane ticket and show her mother.

Royce: "Will I be cavity searched if I display my plane ticket?"

Haley: "What the f*ck! That's gross."

Porsche: "I'm going to act like I didn't hear that. Also, don't act suspicious. If there is suspicion, I'll just flash my badge and we'll be clear. Hopefully, they will buy it."

Royce: "I have my plane ticket. Now let's get going!"

As the trio rushed to the terminal, they were stopped by security as the plane was about to take off. Someone noticed the trio were about to miss their flight and had the plane hold out so the three can join them.

Carmelita: "Hey! Let them three by, especially him," Carmelita said while pointing towards Royce, "they are under special orders to join us! They are to come with us, me- immediately!" Carmelita said to terminal security before flashing her badge.

Terminal Security: "Yes ma'am. Let them through boys!" One of the security guards said towards the others as they began collecting Porsche's and Haley's tickets, including Royce's plane tickets.

Royce: "Carmelita! How- how are you doing? Anything interesting?" The human asked the red fox Interpol Agent as she approached him in a way that made Porsche jealous. But when Carmelita stood in front of Royce, she brought out Sly Cooper's Calling Card and showed it to him. "Oh, so it's a secret-mission? Finding Cooper, eh?"

Carmelita then brought Porsche over to her and began questioning Porsche.

Carmelita: "You haven't told him?"

Porsche: "Can we talk about this on the plane? Now is not the time to discuss it!" Porsche said to Carmelita as the four entered the jet and began their long flight towards India. While Haley was occupied with her laptop, Royce noticed several different Interpol Agents including one that was a spider, which freaked Royce out a bit and a raccoon with a rainbow-striped tail and a large bust and someone guarding her. "Royce, come here. Carmelita Fox and I need to discuss something with you. It is important."

Royce: "What's wrong?"

Porsche: "Come here," Porsche said to Royce as he went over to his protector whom moved her hand over to his neck, "I'm sorry, but this is going to hurt... a lot." Porsche warns Royce as she sinks her teeth into the side of his neck.

Royce: "MARKED AGAIN?! WHAT THE F*CK!? It hurts. Why does it have to hurt?!"

The amount of pain inflicted upon Royce by Porsche resulted in yelling so loudly that it caught the attention of a certain raccoon with a rainbow-striped tail.

Angel: "Excuse me, but is there a problem- oh my! Spider, get some bandages. Something to stop the blood flow."

The Spider: "On it." The Spider goes to grab the emergency medical-kit as he brings it to Angel, "here you go, Angel."

Angel: "Thank you, hold still," she says to Royce as Angel wrapped the bandaging around his neck and applied firm pressure, "there, you will be alright." Angel then looked towards Carmelita and Porsche, "you shouldn't go around biting people." The Spider then took a good look at Royce.

The Spider: "Hey, you look familiar. Are you from The Old Days? Wait a minute... did you ever stand up for anyone when you were younger?"

Royce: "I beat the literal sh*t out of someone whom was beating someone else up and literally minding his own f***ing business. As a result, I beat the a-hole up so badly he couldn't walk nor talk for more than two months and he quit bullying some guy."

The Spider: "ROYCE??!"

Royce: "SPIDER?!"

Carmelita: "Is there something I'm not understanding here?"

Porsche: "what's going on here?" Porsche asked Royce and The Spider confused by the fact of the two individuals engaging in conversation.

Angel: "There something you not telling me here?"

The Spider: "He's the reason as to why I'm an Interpol Agent. He defended me when I was at my most vulnerable, that inspired me to become an Interpol Agent. Then came the War, the both of us were suppose to be in Egypt together but I was transferred to Pittsburgh instead."

All of a sudden, Royce had a violent outburst and demanded of The Spider to expose his neck.

Royce: "SHOW ME THE SIDE OF YOUR NECK, NOW!" When The Spider showed the side of his neck, Royce saw no bite marks, no signs of Markings, nothing to show he was claimed. Especially by Angel, "I saw her trying to hold your hand. Acting all lovey-dovey."

Carmelita: "How did you two guys know each other? Seriously."

Royce: "I'm not saying anything else. Apparently no one believes me."

Porsche: "Subject seems to be uncooperative during questioning; more studying is required."

Royce: "Stop referring me to as a subject! I'm no criminal subject," Royce raised his voice towards Porsche, getting Haley's attention before going to a seat, "Wake me up when we arrive at the airport in India..." he said to the group as he went to sleep for the rest of the trip.

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