Chapter 9: Bug Dimitri's Office

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Once Royce and Sly Cooper were able to return, Royce asked Sly Cooper if he could read his Thievius Raccoonus just for fun until he got back to the safe-house.

Royce: "Hey Sly?..."

Sly Cooper: "Yeah bud...?"

Royce: "I was wondering- could I maybe read that book of yours while you are gone? Like until you return, maybe learn a few more tricks?"

Sly Cooper: "Ok, but Bentley... make sure he doesn't damage or destroy my family heirloom."

Royce: "Family Heirloom?!"

Bentley: "Yes, Sly's Thievius Raccoonus is passed down from generation to generation and now is one of Sly's most prized-possessions."

Sly Cooper: "I'll be on my way, guys, see you later..."

At Job Start Beacon...

Bentley: "Sly, I managed to outfit this forged painting with a bug. I need you to sneak into Dimitri's office and swap it with the original."

Sly Cooper: "Nice! So we can listen in on his conversations?"

Bentley: "Yes, I thought things might go more smoothly with an ear on the inside. Just be careful with the fine art, take any damage and the painting is ruined." Bentley informs Sly before he jumps onto the rooftops and across several ropes and up a pipe. This was when he sighted a ledge and snuck across it before reaching a window and going inside. "The schematic indicates that door is locked from the inside"

Sly Cooper: "That's alright; I never was one for the direct approach."

Bentley: "Swell, because the indirect approach... ... is way up there, through that air vent." Bentley said to Sly as he proceeded to sneak by several janitorial rat guards, on top of table-tops to avoid floor-lasers and up another pipe, then sliding alongside an edge that was when an intercom comes on.

Dimitri: "Dimitri coming out at you loud and clear, Spice deals are up, up, up!" (There was a lot more dialogue but I just skipped it)

Sly was then able to reach the air vent and crawl inside before dropping down into Dimitri's office and swapping the bugged painting out with the original.

Bentley: "Nice work Sly, the bug is in position. If you manage to get the original painting back in one piece, I can sell it through my internet connections and make us a ton of coins!"

Without care, Sly slaps (whacks) a janitorial rat guard before making his way out the windows in which he came out of and heading his way back to the Safe-house.

Upon arrival at the Safe-house...

Sly Cooper: "Hey there Gang, how is everyone doing?"

Bentley: "Royce learned on your Ancestor Rioichi Cooper's Ninja Spire Jump, the Rail Slide and some other things. I also improved upon his toy..."

Royce: "A-hem! It's a weapon." The entire Cooper Gang stares at Royce.

Bentley: "That 'toy' is a weapon? How come I didn't see or look into it?!"

Royce: "You three don't have to worry, I'm on your side. Haven't I proven that already?"

Bentley: "Seeing that he isn't a problem, nor has he attempted to call Interpol and give us away, I'd say he could and can be a potential asset in getting the Clockwerk Parts." Bentley explains to Sly before directing his attention towards Royce, "Sly, if you want to earn my trust, I want you to go and eavesdrop on Dimitri when the time comes. We might learn something about him. Got it?"

Royce: "Yes."

Royce DeBarry in the Adventures of Sly 2: Band of ThievesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora