[ Chapter 27 : Obsessed ]

Start from the beginning

Well Paige isn't so nice.

Malia holds her face from the slap she received and Paige tilts her head to the side to look at her, I scoff then stood straight and approach them.

" Don't get ahead of yourself, you might as well bring her down with you " she said.

" You know you got a lot of nerve " I said and they turn to me.

Paige snickers.

" Eavesdropping is not preferred by anyone- "


Malia gasped after my hand swung across Paige's face and she looks back at me in shock holding her cheek.

" Neither was slapping people in the face, it hurts right? " I asked, she scoffs.

" You have no idea what you just did " she said as she put down her hand.

" I slapped you in the face and put a frog on your shoulder because I know most girls are disgusted by the moist of their body, that's what I did " I said.

" What? " She breathed hitched and her head slowly turn to her shoulder.

As soon she looked down she shrieked and push it off her shoulder as she steps back.

" What is wrong with you?! " She shouts then walk away in disgust and wipe her shoulder.

" That wasn't very nice " I said and kneel down to the frog.

" Come here buddy " I pick him up from the ground to see he's unharmed then put him on the plant next to me.

" Bye-bye " I said as he hop away.

" That was brave of you " I turn around to Malia who stands there with her red cheek of where Paige hit her.

" Do you always let her bully you? " I asked.

" I'm afraid of her " she said.

" Why should you?, I see nothing but her being insecure, though, you did tried to defend yourself just now " I said.

" Key word, tried " she said.

" She has always been for the last seventeen years of our lives, we go to school together too " she said.

" Let me guess, the popular girl? " I asked, she nods.

" I'm not surprised " I said.

I look down at the table where her embroidery is.

" Hey, why don't you bring this to my room? " I asked.

" Why? " She asked.

" Hang out obviously, and since I'm not busy, why not get to know each other?, It's hot outside anyways " I said, she smiles.

" I'll gather my things " 

~ Time Skip ~

" Oclirian paints " Malia said as she pick up a jar fill with the color lipstick red paint.

" So you study in rocks too? " I asked, she chuckles then put back the jar and shake her head as she turns around to me.

" It's the same paints Paige uses " she said.

" Oh, wouldn't surprise me " I said and sit on the end of my bed with my feet dipped in the wooden basin full of cold water.

Jemma prepared it for me in the name of mom, apparently after my manicure this morning, mom wants me to have a pedicure too. No idea what the benefits are but my feet feel great already. I watch as Malia walk over to the chair and table as she continues on embroidering the fabric she has around a hoop.

Artistic Love【Laurence X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now