Dresses ~ France X Reader

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"(Y/n), ma chère!" Francis called, waving the young girl down.

She turns and smiles. "Hello Francis." She greets, bowing her head slightly. Francis walks right up to her and wraps her in a hug. (Y/n) hugs back, smiling into his chest. "How was your day?" She asks, peering up into his eyes.

Francis smiled down at the (e/c) eyed girl. "It was pretty crappy to be perfectly honest, ma belle." He bent his neck and kissed her on the nose. "I wish you would be able to come to one of the meetings so I actually had someone to talk too."

She listed her head and smiled. "I'm still in school."

Francis chuckled. "And how was school today?"

She sighed. "Well after twelve years of education, I still don't know how mortgages and taxes work but hey! At least I know the cells of a fucking leaf."

Francis gasped but then burst out laughing. "You swore."

(Y/n) shrugged. "I'm a grown-up."

"Non, you are most certainly not." He released her from their embrace and took her hand. "Come, I want to show you this new dress I've been working on."

Francis led (Y/n) towards his design studio. The room's walls were all windows and manequins sporting both finished and unfinished brightly coloured garments.
Francis stopped in front of a shimmering pink dress with glittering stones embroidered along the bottom. It hadn't been finished yet.

"I just need to take your measurements." Francis squeezed (Y/n)'s hand, not taking his eyes off the dress.

"Alright." She agreed.

Francis smiled down at her and drew a measuring tape from his trouser pocket. He measured (Y/n)'s waist, bust, shoulder and arms before smiling and taking the dress off the mannequin. He got to work right away.

"You are going to wear this to the next meeting." He said as he sewed. "I made sure you didn't have school so you could accompany me."

(Y/n) rocked back and forth on her feet. "Alright, sounds like fun."


"Are you ready?" Francis asked, looking down at the young (h/c) haired girl latched onto his arm. She was wearing the dress he had made for her, the pink material flattering her curves and the glittery skirt flounced around her knees.

"Talking to yourself again, frog?" A blonde man with angry eyebrows spat, deliberately bumping Francis' shoulder as he walked past him and through the wooden double doors into the meeting room.

(Y/n) looked up at Francis. "I assume that that's Arthur?" She asked.

Francis nodded and looked back towards the doors. "Monsieur grumpy-brows." He started walking towards the room. "Allons-y."


The meeting was rather boring but (Y/n) enjoyed Francis' company. She sat beside him and watched the scene in front of her unfold. She spent most of her time nibbling on a cracker Francis had slipped her, staring at a young man who looked much like Francis. His eyebrows were creased as he watched Francis from across the table.

(Y/n) leaned over towards Francis who reacted to her presence immediately. "Oui?"

"Who is that man staring at you?" She asked at a whisper and nodding towards the fluffy blond across the table.

Francis smiled. "That is mon petit Mathieu!" He stared across the table lovingly. "I helped raise him along with the angry British man."

(Y/n) giggled.


After the meeting, Matthew approached Francis.

"Papa," He said, worry colouring his tone. "Are you alright? Have you been feeling well lately?"

Francis tilted his head in confusion. "Of course I have, mon amour? Why do you ask?" He didn't give Matthew the chance to answer before speaking excitedly again. "Oh Mathieu! Have you met (Y/n) yet?" He said gesturing to the empty space beside him. He frowned. "Oh. She must have gone home. Would you like to join us for coffee?"
Matthew didn't say anything and only nodded. He was concerned the entire car ride to Francis' house.


Once they were seated with coffee, Francis began to shift around in his seat, obviously uncomfortable. "She's not here yet."

"(Y/n)?" Matthew questioned.

Francis nodded. "She's been with me all afternoon and decides to dissapear now?"

Matthew took a deep breath, observing his papa with sad eyes. "Was she at the meeting?"

Francis looked towards Matthew, bewildered. "Mais oui! How could you not notice her? You of all people!"

Matthew was a little hurt by his papa's comment but chose to ignore it. "Papa... there was no one with you today. Everyone believes you're crazy because you spent the entire meeting talking to yourself."

Francis stared at Matthew. "(Y/n) isn't real..?" His voice broke as the realisation slowly sunk in. That would, after all, explain why when he touched her she didn't feel completely solid, or when they talked that she said exactly what he wanted her to say. "Mon dieu." His hands shook as he pressed them to his face.

Matthew moved to Francis' side and wrapped his arms around his papa's shoulders. He held him as he cried. "Papa it was only a matter of time before the loneliness got to you. It gets to everyone in the end." He closed his eyes and rested his head on Francis'. "After all, I have my own (Y/n)..."

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