Taste Testing ~ Canada X Reader

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"Hey you guys!" You sing happily, waving at the camera that is facing you.  "So, I've been noticing that a lot of people have been doing this thing called 'Canadian candy taste test' as if our candy was something exotic.  Well... it is pretty great, right Mattie?"
You nudge your boyfriend, Matthew.  "Mhm." He agrees, nodding, smiling contently.
"So, we have decided to do an American food taste testing!" You crie happily, grinning widely along with Matthew.
Matthew lifted an American flag print grocery bag up in front of the camera.  "My American brother, Alfred the moron-"
"Hey!" Alfred called from the background.  You glanced up at him, smirking.
"Alfie, honey, we are trying to record." You cooed.  Alfred rolled his eyes and exited your room, where you were recording.
Matthew cleared his throat.  "As I was saying,  Alfred brought us some 'murican treats." Matthew looked over at you.  "Ready?"
"Yeah!" You sat up straighter as Matthew reached inside of the bag and pulled something out at random.  You immediately recognize the glinting red wrapper of a Kit Kat bar.  Matthew hands it to you. 
You titlt your head and turn the chocolate bar over in your hands.  "Just to be clear, guys, we do have Kit Kats in Canada, only aperentaly they taste didferent." You look up at the camera and hold the Kit Kat up in between you and your boyfriend.  "So here we go!"
Matthew opens the wrapper, breaks off two waffers and hands one to you. 
"Cheers!" He says, as you touch the two wafers together in maner of toasting.  You bite into them at the same time.
"Hmmm..." You hum as you chew it slowly.  "I don't know..."
"I tastes more artificial than ours." Matthew gingrely sets his piece of the chocolate bar to the side and you do the same.  "Next, then?"
You nod.  Matthew pulls a box of Whoppers from the bag.  The box rattles as it moves.  You lean over Matthew's shoulder and raise an eyebrow.
"They look like Maltesers." He said, flipping the box over in his hand.  He shrugs and rips open the top, shaking one into your hand then one into his. 
You pop it into your mouth and chew.  "Mmmmm..."
Matthew nods, closing his eyes.  "These are good."
He reculantly set the box aside and pulled a bag of Flaming hot Cheetos out of the bag. 
Matthew frowned.  "I can already tell I'm not gonna like these."
You poked the bag.  "Yeah... aren't these one's like, bright red?"
Matthew shrugged.  "I guess we're gonna find out."
"Hold on," You place a hand on Matthew's wrist.  "I'll go get some milk, just in case."
Matthew nodded and you rushed to the kitchen and poured a glass of milk.  "So how is it?" Alfred asked.  He was sitting at the kitchen table, arms crossed over his chest. 
You tilted your head and smiled.  "Weird." You said before running back to your room, careful not to spill the milk. 
As soon as you return, both you and Matthew ate one of the bright red Cheetos.  "Ew, yeah that's hot." You say, sipping some of the milk and passing the glass to Matthew.  He drank some too. 
"But they are good." He added.  You nodded in agreement. 
"I don't think I can take this weird American food anymore.  We can continue another day." You suggested.
Matthew nodded and turned off the camera.  He pecked you on the lips and pulled something out of his pocket.  A Kinder Egg.  "Go give this to Alfred.  He loves them."
"Ok!" You smiled and took the chocolate from Matthew's hand.  You kissed him on the cheek then ran into the kitchen, delivering Alfred his Canadian treat.

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