Chapter 47

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Yogini Anand

'Hello,' I picked up my phone as soon as I reached home, 'Why have you been calling me like crazy"'I chuckled.

'Yogi why weren't you picking up your phone' Masi asked.

'I was driving' I said.

'Turn on the television' she said and I knew where this was going.

I quickly switched on the TV.

"Right now we have a ground report from our reporter Faizal who is outside Ace enterprise, over to you Faizal," The news anchor said as soon.

"As you can see behind me Aditi I am standing outside the main building of Ace in Mumbai and we know from our sources that there was an internal rift going on between the shareholders and today it has been confirmed with this split in the company," the reporter said, "Now there are two groups that have now two separate CEOs who claim to be legitimate heirs of Vijay Shekhawat"

"Faizal could you please tell us more about what has happened today considering the situation was very normal till the morning," the anchor said.

"Yes Aditi the situation was very normal but suddenly after the lunch hour the shares for the company came crashing down and the share market was closed for the day, it was after this that the situation degraded," the reporter said as the camera zoomed on the Mumbai building, "Mr Ravinder Singh had a press conference and introduce Vikram Singh as the new CEO of the group," the reporter said.

"So is there any official statement made by Rudra Shekhawat or Dhruv Shekhawat on this matter"

"Not yet Aditi but just half an hour before the brother duo arrived at the building and are having some discussion with the other side," the reporter said.

"Okay I will get back to Faizal," she said, "And here is a report about the history of the company"

'Did you know about this' masi asked.

'No I had no clue I didn't even know that Rudra was going to Mumbai' I said.

'Mala has come over why don't you just call Rudra and ask him what is going on' she said.

'Yeah I will see' I said and hung up.

What was even going on Rudra didn't say anything about this or maybe he didn't even know about this.

I picked up my phone and dialled his number.

'Hello,' he was tired for sure.

'Are you okay' I asked.

'I do not want to lie to you but I also don't want to trouble you unnecessarily' he chuckled.

'You know I don't understand a thing about business so you can tell me and I won't understand a thing'

'I had no clue that this would happen' he confessed, 'Had to rush quickly to Bombay'

'So what are you going to do now' I asked unsurely.

'We will buy all the shares first thing in the morning because Singh made Vikram sell all of it so now it's just the waiting game' he said.

'How long will you be there" I asked.

'I can't say anything at the moment Yogini but I will be there soon' he said.

'Okay I will be waiting for you' I smiled lightly.

'And Yogini'


'Try not to leave the house till I am back' he said sternly.

'But Rudra I need to go to the office and there is a lot-'

'Yogini please just this time listen to me' he said, 'Till the time I am not back please stay at home'

'Okay fine' I said and hung up.

There was so much going on and on top of this. Rudra was hiding something and I couldn't stand him at the moment. I understand that there is so much going on with him but as partners, he was supposed to share everything with me which he wasn't doing at the moment. 

Heyyy there I hope you enjoyed that and if you did then do vote and comment and I will see you next time!!!

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