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Second Day

Early morning vilagers arrived to their home to meet Anirudh to discuss their problems as tomorrow he will leave to his village. Rohit and Bondita where sitting in the corridor playing chess and Anirudh reading his case files

Lady 1: Look, how our chotte malkin let his wife to play with another man

Lady2: Haa haa how can he. What guarantee that they wont take advantage of it🤔.

I dont need any guarantee card..

Anirudh look towards them.

Anirudh : That's my wife and the person next to her is her Rohit dada.. And my one and only one best friend. They are not that kind of ppl whom you guys
may knew. If you let your partner free and provide them their space and self respect, they wont go behind others. What to say, did you guys even treat another human with sympathy or empathy ☹️.. You guys are really selfish.. So dont ever try to judge my wife from you low standards.

Village headman : we are here to discuss about the issue of water..

Anirudh : Actually we are leaving today. My junior will come to solve your issue.

Lady3: if you are not free give our case to bondita ji.

Rohit : Bondita have her own work to finish. She is not the assistant of my frnd. And these days its easy to get the appointment of Anirudh but not Bondita.. So give respect and take it back too..

Anirudh : actually we are here to fulfill her wish of being here. Its her baby moo and am here as her husband. Once when i came here i was as barrister Anirudh so i spend my time for you guys, but right now am not. Now am focussing on my duty as a husband. Once she used to rotate around me, now its turn


They reached back to their house. Bondita is too weak, but too Happy that she fulfilled her revenge and prove them wrong.

Anidita Room

Bondita : pati babu... Its... Its paining a bit.. Its false alarm but still it hurts..

Anirudh : paining.. Really.. Wait lemme call kaki

The ladies of RC mansion arrived quickly to check upon their kid..

Mano: May be she is feeling that way.. She is fine.. Otherwise it will be a premature delivery naa

Trilochan enters their with the gynecologist..

Doctor :its her eight month.. 🤕 I think there is a complication.. She is showing some symptoms that are not safe.. We must shift her into the hospital as soon as possible.

Anirudh felt his whole world shatters before his eyes. Som arranged everything, Rohit was out off station.

In hospital

Bondita can't pretend she is okay as her pain is increasing with the time.. Anirudh is blank as he can't think about anything else..

The fear of that question

Baby or mother

Came in his mind. He can't keep himself calm. All are panicked to the core.. May be the recent stress and mental issues affect her health negatively.. Whatever its they want her safe with the baby..


She can't hold it anymore.. Anirudh arranged stretcher.. They left to the labor room. She hold his hand more andmore tight

It was about to enter..

Sorry.. Patibabu.. Don't worry.. Am okay.. I will be fine..

She enters to the place where she was supposed to enter nearly 1 and a half month after...

Doctor come out and informed anirudh that.
They need a medicine which is not there..

Anirudh literally run.. He goes to many shopbut the answer was same.. Finally after half hour he reached back with the medicine.. Only to see his.......... 💔

Bondita : Essence of My LifeWhere stories live. Discover now