To India🦋

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Anirudh is already in college to bid bye to his dear students and faculty. He was about to begin his last lecture there, students request him to talk to them instead of teaching. He too agreed.

Student: Sir, you really love your wife or its an arrange marriage based on your customs

Anirudh : arrange marriage 😂😂 yeah yeah but arranged by god not our family. I dont know how i feel for my marriage, but i knew what is she to me. My strength, My greatest wealth, something that am cherishing for morethan 10 years. I knew her well.. Such an extend that her silence can be read by me. I have that confidence in my wife.

Student: What you mean by in love sir🤔

Anirudh : it means you are putting someone else before you. Like for me being alive sound mean if she is not with me. Losing her sounds.. No it actually pains like piercing a knife directly into my heart. She is not like a lil piece of my heart..she is the biggest part inside my heart. When she cry, it pains in my heart. When she laugh, i feel i conquer whole the world.

Student: Do you have any regret in life🤔

Anirudh : tightening his fist* yes... There was an incident, which still haunt me.. An elder person touched her body without her permission.. Its a bad touch towards my wife.. I never allow it to any women, at that time he dares to touch mine.. Still still i feel like am impotent for not reaching at right moment to save her..

Student: is their anything apart her

Anirudh : My world is she.. What can be more important than her. If there too i don't want it.. I just want her beside me like this forever.. Nd ever❤️

Student: She is so lucky

Anirudh : Am lucky.. The first time we met, she was just 10..little hands, little eyes and long hair❤️.. I think i become a father😂😂. But right woman can make you feel special and loved.. Age is not a barrier there.. I witnessed each and every change in her developing process. My wife is moulded by me.. What more luck a husband get other than this. She played beside me, whenever she is sad, she come to me with those puppy face.. When she felt offended she drag me there to get justice. When she is tired she lie in my shoulder. When she is happy, she twirl around me. Now tell what can or who can be there, except her.

Student: Love and A kid.. 🙄

Anirudh : that's the main point.. Love is not physical, it can be platonic too. We are in love for morethan 8 years. We never kissed nor did anything that you call it as pleasure. But we are so.. And so happy to be with eachother. We are so much in love without getting physical contact.. Passing ages doesnt fade the love we have for one another ❤️

Student : anything changed after being here

Anirudh : When she turned 18, things change a bit. Now when she call me husband, i can feel it that way. Its no more the childish one. Early morning when i see her beside sleeping peacefully, its no more that responsibility feel, but its like i earn someone forever as mine. When she say i love you.. Its sound different this time.. Now we share our stories everyday, she is my good listener. She care me like my mother once do.. Yes now she is my wife❤️

Bell ranged. Anirudh bid bye to everyone. Some have tears in their eyes to leave him. Some teachers are more to us. May be their way of teaching touch us different. In his case his charm is so over bearing. Such a master piece standing before and teaching is a sight every students wish to have. His gentleness his care were genuine. This time he is going back across the sea. Meeting may take time. This thought ache. But he is Happy. His happy solace is were she is....

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