Chapter 36

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Thea and I are home from the road and after we drop Skylar off at school we were going to head over to the doctor for her 2nd appointment. We're both super excited to see how the baby is doing and once we find out we'll let the rest of our friends and Skylar know about the baby. During our last appointment everything seemed good and the doctor told us this time we'll probably get to hear the baby's heartbeat.

*At the doctor*

We're sitting in the waiting room when the nurse comes to get us.

Nurse: Ms. Trinidad, you guys can come back now.

We went into the room and waited for the doctor. About 10 minutes later the doctor came into the room.

Doctor: Welcome back Mom and Dad. How has everything been?

Travis: Pretty good, just excited to hear the little ones heartbeat today.

Zelina: I still don't feel pregnant at all.

Doctor: Don't worry it'll creep up on you faster than you think. Other than not feeling pregnant how have you been?

Zelina: My stomach has been hurting a little bit the last day or so.

Doctor: Let's get everything checked out. Go ahead and lay back and we'll get the ultrasound going.

Thea leaned back and the doctor put the gel on her stomach and started the ultrasound. While the doctor is checking I notice a concerned look on her face.

Zelina: Is everything okay?

Doctor: Hang on.

The doctor's facial expression is telling me that things aren't okay.

Travis: What's going on?

Doctor: I can't find the baby's heartbeat. I'm so sorry to have to tell you this.

Zelina: What are you trying to say?

Doctor: It appears that you've had a miscarriage.

When the doctor said that Thea broke down into tears and I tried my best to keep it together for the both of us.

Doctor: I'm so sorry for your loss. I know this is devastating news. I'll give you two a moment.

The doctor left the room and I held Thea in my arms while she cried. Once I finally got her to calm down we left the doctor's office and headed home. On the ride home she was looking out the window crying and I reached over and held her hand, she looked over at me and smiled.

Travis: I love you.

Zelina: I love you too.

*At home*

Once we got home Thea went outside while Shadow ran in the yard. I went behind her and hugged her while she cried and it finally hit me and I started crying too. She turned around and hugged me tight. I was crying while I held her in my arms. After we hugged I wiped the tears from her face and held her hands and looked her in the eyes.

Travis: Maybe it wasn't our time to have a child.

Zelina: I just can't wrap my head around this.

Travis: I can't either but I do know that life works in mysterious ways. This is just a setback, we're going to make it through this.

Zelina: You promise?

Travis: I promise. As much as I would have loved to bring a child into this world with you the universe thought differently. That's okay though our relationship is far from normal and maybe we're just not ready yet. When it's our time for us to have a child we'll know.

Zelina: It just hurts so much knowing I had something growing inside of me that we made and now it's gone.

Travis: Maybe we needed that to appreciate what we have right now. Look around we have an amazing life together. We have a roof over our head, our dream job, and a beautiful daughter. We'll have a child together one day baby and I guess right now isn't the time.

Zelina: I was just so excited to be carrying your baby.

Travis: I know, I was just as excited. When the time is right we'll have a baby.

Zelina: We'll be fine baby, we're going to make it through this.

Travis: We will, I'll be right here by your side if you need anything. I love you.

Zelina: I love you too.

A little while later we called Gionna to let her know what happened and she was really sad. We took the next week off of the road to regroup after everything.

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