The Last Laugh

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*A few weeks later*

We're back home after our 2 week loop and Skylar is really excited because Halloween is this weekend. This is the first time in a really long time where I'll actually be able to go trick or treating with her so we're both really excited. I wanted to take the girls out for dinner so we went to a nice little spot downtown.

*At dinner*

Travis: Skylar, you never told me what you wanted to be for Halloween. It's in 2 weeks.

Skylar: I don't know yet.

Zelina: You need to figure it out soon silly, we're running out of time.

Travis: How about you be a princess.

Skylar: Eww no.

Zelina: A witch?

Skylar: No, I don't want to be a witch. I want to dress up with you and daddy.

Travis: Okay, what should we be?

Skylar: I want to be Team Rocket. You two can be Jessie and James and I'll be Meowth.

Zelina: I love it.

After dinner Gionna and Tyler stopped over to come hang out for a while. Skylar had just went to bed and the four of us were in the living room just talking.

Liv: Soooo there's a reason why we wanted to come by tonight and see y'all.

Travis: Is there?

Liv: Yeah, it's kinda important.

Zelina: Girl just tell us.

Liv: We're engaged.

Zelina: Shut the fuck up. Really?

Liv: Yes, Tyler asked me in the most romantic way ever.

Zelina: I'm so happy for y'all.

Tyler: I got my advice from Beyonce. I liked it so I put a ring on it.

Travis: Bro, you're starting to sound like me.

Liv: Please don't turn into my brother.

Travis: What's wrong with me?

Zelina: Nothing baby, you just have really bad jokes at times.

Travis: Maybe you just have a terrible sense of humor. I think I'm hilarious.

Zelina: Tell me a joke then Mr. Comedian.

Travis: What do you call a dead buffalo?

Zelina: What?

Travis: It doesn't matter what you call it because it won't hear you.

Zelina: I hate you.

Liv: That was pretty lame.

Tyler: I've heard worse.

Zelina: Let me guess you've heard worse from him?

Travis: Very funny. I'll get the last laugh.

*The next morning*

I slept in a little today because it was Thea's turn to take Skylar to school. I was awoken by Thea making a bunch of noise in the room. When I sat up in bed I saw her looking for something.

Travis: What are you looking for?

Zelina: Where the fuck is my makeup?

Travis: *Evil laugh*

Zelina: What did you do with it?

Travis: Told you I'd get the last laugh.

Zelina: If you don't tell me what you did with my makeup, we're not having sex for a month.

Travis: Woah someone is really upset about not having her war paint.

Zelina: 2 months now for that smart ass comment.

Travis: It's in the kitchen.

Thea walked out of the room and I couldn't wait to see her reaction so I hopped out of bed and didn't even have time to put a shirt on. I got into the kitchen shortly after her and couldn't help but laugh.

Zelina: You think it's funny that you put my shit on top of the cabinets?

Travis: I think it's hilarious. I told you I'd get the last laugh.

Thea grabs one of the chairs from over by the table and uses it to climb onto the counter so she can reach the top. The whole time she's trying to get it down she's cursing me out and I'm cracking up laughing watching her struggle. I start laughing even harder when she starts cursing me out in Spanish because I know she's really mad.

Zelina: I hope you're having a good time.

Travis: I'm having the time of my life.

When she finally got her makeup and got down from the counter she gave me a death stare.

Travis: You're so hot when you're angry.

Zelina: You play too much.

Travis: It was just a joke. Calm down and lose the pouty face.

Zelina: Okay I'll admit that was a little bit funny.

Travis: See I told you I'm a funny guy.

Zelina: Let's not get ahead of ourself here.

Travis: What can I say I'm just full of surprises.

Zelina: Are you?

Travis: Oh yeah.

I picked Thea up and sat her on the counter and we started to make out. Soon after I pick her up and carry her into our room and we had some wild sex.

Travis: Holy shit that was amazing.

Zelina: You can say that again. Where did that come from?

Travis: You know when you're angry it turns me on.

Zelina: If that happens every time I'm mad at you then I'm always going to be mad.

We both laughed and then we kissed.

Travis: Let's go take a shower and get our day started

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