Flashback #2

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After Gionna left I took some time to soul search. I was really upset about what just happened between Thea and I.

*Flashback to Prom*

I was in my room getting ready to go to Prom. I was struggling with my tie but I wanted to get it by myself without any help. Right before I was going to walk out of my room, I heard my sister yelling.

Gionna: Travis, Mom said hurry up.

Travis: Don't rush me.

Gionna: I'm sure your girlfriend will think you look handsome no matter what.

Travis: Shut up butt head she's not my girlfriend.

Gionna: Hurry up I can't wait to see you.

Travis: I'm coming.

I walked downstairs and my family waiting for me.

Gionna: Aww you look so handsome.

Mom: You look so grown up.

Travis: Thanks guys.

Dad: You look good son.

Travis: Thanks Dad.

Mom: Travis don't forget this.

Travis: What's this for?

Mom: It's a Corsage. You give it to Thea, since she's your date.

Travis: Gotcha, well I better get going. I'll see you guys later.

Mom: Have fun.

Gionna: Take lots of pictures.

Dad: Be safe Travis.

Travis: I will.

I drove over to Thea's house and once I got there I walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. A few moments later her mom answered the door.

Travis: Hey Mrs. Trinidad.

Mom: Hello Travis, you look so handsome.

Travis: Thank you.

Mom: Come in sweetie, Thea is almost ready.

I walked in and her mom yelled up to let her know I was there. When she walked down, I smiled because she looked so pretty.

Travis: You clean up nice shorty.

Thea: You don't look so bad yourself.

Travis: I got you this flower thing, my mom said that I had to give it to you since you're my date.

Thea: Thanks.

Mom: I want to take some pictures of you guys.

We took a few pictures and then we headed to the prom. The night was fun most of the time we just sat there and talked. Towards the end of the night, they were playing a song for the couples to dance to.

Thea: This is one of my favorite songs.

Travis: So, should we go dance?

Thea: I mean that's what were supposed to do at prom.

Travis: I guess you're right. Can I have this dance shorty?

Thea: Of course, you can.

I took Thea by the hand and we slow danced to One in a Million by Aliyah.

Once Prom was over, we were in my truck.

Travis: Want to go over to our spot since it's still early?

Thea: Sure.

I drove over by the lake where Thea and I would come when we needed to escape from the world. We sat there and talked about the future.

Thea: I really don't know what I'm going to do without you when you go off the college.

Travis: It's going to be weird not having any friends. But I'll only be there for a short time. I'll be in the Army soon. I'm going to miss hanging out with you every day.

Thea: Thank you for going to Prom with me, I had a lot of fun.

Travis: I did too. I thought it was going to be lame but it was fun.

I could tell Thea was upset and I didn't want her to be.

Travis: What's wrong?

Thea: I'm just thinking.

Travis: About what?

Thea: How you have your life all planned out and I don't know what I'm going to do. You're about to go to college and then go into the military. You'll probably find your future wife and have everything you ever wanted.

Travis: Don't talk like that Thea, you're going to find that special guy one day and then we can celebrate holidays and go on family trips together.

Thea: Easy for you to say, you've had a few girlfriends. I've never had a boyfriend or kissed a boy and I'm about to graduate.

Travis: You're just not ready. Everyone moves at their own pace.

Thea: I'm going to miss you when you leave.

Travis: I'll miss you too dude.

Thea: Can you take me home now?

Travis: Yeah.

I got up off the ground then I reached out to help Thea up.

Travis: Hey Thea, can I tell you something?

Thea: What?

I slowly moved in and gave Thea a kiss.

Thea: What was that?

Travis: You can't graduate high school without your first kiss.

Thea: Travis.

Travis: Yes?

Thea: Can we do that again?

Travis: I don't see why not.

Thea and I kissed again and then she smiled at me after we broke the kiss.

Thea: That was better than I expected.

Travis: C'mon let's get you home.

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