A Sad Day

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*A few days later*

I went to the PC to get some workouts in and then I walked over to Skylar's school so we could jog home to help her get some conditioning in for track. When we got to our neighborhood, we decided to race to see who would make it home first. The race ended with a tie, Skylar and I are both in the driveway with our hands on our knees breathing heavy.

Skylar: I totally should have beat you.

Travis: You didn't so you should try harder next time turd.

Skylar: I'm not a turd.

Travis: You're my turd.

Skylar: I can't wait until we go see Aunt Gionna and Uncle Tyler this weekend.

Travis: Speaking of are you going to be okay watching Jaden and your sister during the show?

Skylar: Yeah, Kayla listens to everything I say and Jaden is pretty chill. What about Christian?

Travis: Mom and I will keep him in the back with us and when we go out for our stuff one of the girls will watch him.

Skylar: Sounds good. I have to show you this duck I made for Uncle Tyler at Build a Bear the other day. I wanted to give it to him when we went to visit as an early birthday present.

Travis: You and those damn ducks.

Skylar: I love them, they're my favorite animal ever since Uncle Tyler would always take me to feed them when I was a little girl.

Travis: I'm sure he'll love it. Let's get inside and get cleaned up for dinner before your mom kills us.

We walked in the house and Thea was in the kitchen cooking dinner with the help of Kayla. I was about to talk when Thea looked at us and put her finger over her lips telling us to shhh.

Zelina: I finally got Christian to go to sleep. If either of you wake him up I swear to god it will not end well.

Travis: Well hello to you too baby.

Zelina: I'm sorry, I'm just tired he's been so cranky all day.

Skylar: It's fine mom, we understand.

I walked over and kissed Kayla on the head.

Travis: How's it going shrimp?

Kayla: Just helping mommy cook dinner. Daddy you stink you need to take a bath.

Skylar: Kayla's right dad you do smell pretty bad.

Zelina: So, do you Sky. Why don't you two go take showers and then come eat.

Skylar: Yes ma'am.

Travis: Not until I get a kiss.

I gave Thea a kiss and then I slapped her ass before I left.

Zelina: What was that for?

Travis: You know I love smacking that ass.

Kayla: Ewww

*A little bit later*

I had just got out of the shower and after I dried off and put my shorts on I walked into the bedroom to grab a shirt. I saw my phone light up and I went over and picked it up. I saw that I had 8 missed calls from Gionna. I sat down on the bed and called her back but she didn't answer it was Bayley.

Travis: Hey sis, I was in the shower what's up?

Bayley: Hey Trav, it's Pam. Gionna can't talk right now. Have you talked to Thea?

Travis: No, is everything okay?

Bayley: I'm at the hospital with G right now.

Travis: What happened?

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