The Announcement That Shook Everyone

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*3 years later*

A lot has happened in the last 3 years. Gionna gave birth to her and Tyler's son Jaden. Shortly after our honeymoon Thea became pregnant with our daughter Kayla. Currently Thea is pregnant with our son Christian. Gionna and Tyler left Orlando and moved to San Jose to be closer to his sister. 2 years ago Tyler's historic title run was ended by Adam Cole. Over the past few years I won the US, IC, and Tag Team titles (with Tyler) Currently I'm back with Alex in a tag team and we just lost the titles to New Day. Tyler won the Intercontinental Championship back at Summer Slam and is in the middle of a 6 month reign.

We're at Raw and I was in catering with Thea talking and Tyler approached us.

Travis: You okay Ty? You look like hell.

Tyler: I'm not. Thea, can I borrow Travis for a minute?

Zelina: He's all yours.

Tyler and I walked into an empty room.

Travis: What's going on?

Tyler: It's bad

Travis: Things okay with you and Gionna?

Tyler: Yeah, we're fine. Listen Travis, I need you to promise me something.

Travis: What is it?

Tyler: If I were to die promise me, you'd look after Gionna and Jaden.

Travis: Dude you have nothing to worry about. I promise they'll be taken care of. What's going on?

Tyler: I went to the doctor a few days ago and they found out I have prostate cancer. It's pretty far along, I don't think I'm going to beat it. I'm going to try but between you and me it's not looking to good. This is the same way my Dad died, I'm not going to lie I'm scared as hell right now.

Travis: You're going to beat this Tyler. You're a fighter you got this.

Tyler: I'm so scared right now. I don't want to leave Gionna and Jaden.

Travis: You're not going to leave them. Go get treatment and fight like hell. I'll be by your side the whole time, Thea will be too.

Tyler: Thanks bro, I really appreciate it. You have no idea how much that means to me.

Travis: What's next?

Tyler: Vince is going to let me make an announcement to start off Raw and then I go back home and fight.

Travis: You got this.

Tyler and I shared a hug and we both cried a little. Then he pulled Thea to the side and told her. She was heartbroken when she found out. After Tyler walked away I went over to her.

Travis: Come here.

Thea went right into my arms and I hugged her tight while she cried. My shirt was wet from the tears but I didn't mind.

Zelina: This isn't fair.

Travis: I know baby, but Tyler is a fighter he'll beat this.

Raw went on the air and Tyler made his way out. Thea and I are watching on the monitor in Gorilla while Tyler made his speech. The whole locker room found out at once about Tyler. It was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop in the back. There wasn't a dry eye in the back everyone was crying. I was holding Thea in my arms while she cried. When Tyler was finished with his speech he left the ring and took some pictures and signed autographs for people in the front row. As soon as he made his way to the back I was the first one waiting for him and I gave him a huge hug and we both teared up.

*Later that night*

Alex and I had our tag team championship rematch against The New Day. Before the match began Alex and I shook hands with Kofi and Woods. The match was very competitive but my head just wasn't in the right spot tonight and I got caught slipping and Kofi nailed me with a trouble in paradise and we lost the match. After the match I walked to the back with my head down and went to the locker room to get my stuff so I could head home.

Alex: You okay Trav?

Travis: Not really.

Alex: You're not going to go down the same path you did when your dad died are you?

Travis: No Detective Alex. Any other fucking questions you want to ask?

Alex: I'm just making sure you're okay. You don't have to be an asshole.

Travis: I'm sorry, I just need to clear my mind. I'm just really stressed out with the baby coming soon and then finding out about Tyler tonight. I just got a lot on my plate. I'm seriously sorry for being an ass.

Alex: That's understandable. Are you on the live events this weekend?

Travis: No, I'm going home.

Alex: Alright, I'll see you next week then.

Travis: Nah, I'm going to be off for a few months with the baby. Thea is due in 2 weeks.

Alex: Well I'll see you whenever you get back. 

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