Wrestle Mania Debut

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*Wrestle Mania*

We've been in Dallas for a few days doing Axxess and other things to promote Wrestle Mania. This morning before we headed to the arena for the show we went to breakfast with Skylar.

Travis: Are you excited to watch daddy wrestle tonight?

Skylar: Yes, I can't wait.

Zelina: Daddy is going to kick butt tonight isn't he?

Skylar: Of course he is.

Once we got to the arena Skylar hung out backstage a little bit until mom got to the arena.


Right before our match began, they showed a hype package. Alex's music hit and he made his way down to the ring. While he's making his way down Thea and I are holding hands waiting for our cue. When my music hits we shared a kiss and then we walked through the curtain. We were getting booed on our way to the ring. Once I handed the ref my jacket, I gave Thea a kiss and then I looked over at Skylar and gave her a wink.


The bell rings and Alex and I are face to face and the crowd is getting very anxious. The "Let's go Alex, Travis sucks" chants are going. I start to shit talk Alex

Travis: Your people are cheering you. Only for your sorry ass to fail.

After I said that Alex pushed me down and the crowd went crazy.

I rolled out of the ring and went over to Thea to get some heat.

Alex: Get your ass back in here.

Travis: I will when I'm ready.

The ref is counting and I gave Thea another kiss.

Ref: Let's go Travis back in the ring.

Travis: Yeah, yeah I hear you.

Alex had enough of my stalling and he walked over to the ropes to try and pull me in but I grabbed his head and got him hung up on the ropes. I used that to my advantage and attacked him while he was down.

*Mid Match*

Alex and I have been going pretty hard. It's like one of the classic Sami Zayn and Kevin Owen's matches. Alex just hit me with a clothesline and I went over the top rope to the outside. Thea is checking on me when all of the sudden she tells me to move but it was too late Alex came launching himself out of the ring and took me out with a shoulder tackle. He climbed up to steps and he's hyping the crowd up. While I'm down he walks onto the apron and hits a 450 splash onto me then he rolls me back into the ring and goes for the cover. I managed to kick out at 2. About 10 minutes go by and I'm down and Alex is on the top rope but I managed to get up and knock him down and he's now sitting on the top rope. I went for a drop kick and once I connected, he fell to the outside of the ring. I rolled my ankle on the drop down and the ref is checking on me. While the ref is checking me out Thea climbed the steps and is on the apron waiting on Alex to get up and once he does she hit him with a Hurricanrana. I got up as soon as I saw Alex go down.

Saxton: What a joke Travis has to cheat.

Graves: It's genius if you ask me. Travis is using his resources to win the match.

I got out of the ring and I picked Alex up and hit him with a Razor's Edge onto the apron and then tossed him back inside and went for the cover. Alex kicked out at almost 3. I'm starting to get mad that I can't put him away. I slapped the mat out of frustration and Thea is outside yelling at me to encourage me. Alex hit me with a super kick while I was distracted and then climbed to the top for a Frog Splash. I put my knees up once I got up I pulled my knee pad down. When Alex got up he came running at me and I picked him up for a powerbomb but instead of slamming him onto the mat I slammed him into my knee. I went for the cover but he kicked out. When I got up he rolled me up really quick and almost picked up the victory but I managed to kick out. Now we're both sitting on the mat staring at each other. The crowd is chanting "This is awesome"

Saxton: These people are loving this match.

Cole: These two are putting on the performance of their life right now.

Graves: These two gentlemen are really setting the bar high for themselves in their Wrestle Mania debuts.

Travis: You got a lot more fight in you then I thought.

Alex: I'm not giving up. These people believe in me.

Travis: You're still a bitch.

Alex slapped me in the face and then I went at him. Alex and I are both back on our feet and we're trading blows. He swiped my legs out from under me and now he's on top of me throwing punches and elbows at me. He busted me open and then he locks me in a Texas Cloverleaf. I'm in pain and I have blood dripping down my face. I'm trying not to tap and Thea is trying her best to get me to reach the ropes. The crowd is chanting "Tap, Tap, Tap" as I crawl towards Thea. She reached in and helped pull me to the ropes. Alex is arguing with Thea and I hit him with a low blow. I wanted to put him away once and for all so I brought him over to the turnbuckle and set him up for a Package Piledriver from the top rope but he flipped me over. While I'm down he connected with a Frog Splash and went for the cover. Thea put my foot on the rope but the ref didn't see it. The ref made the 3 count.

Mike Rome: Here is your winner. The American Bad Ass Alex Johnson.

The crowd is cheering for Alex while he celebrates.

Saxton: He did it. Alex Johnson picked up the victory.

Graves: Travis clearly had his foot on the bottom rope. The match shouldn't be over and that ref needs to be fired.

Cole: The ref's decision is final and Alex Johnson picked up the victory.

Thea is helping me walk to the back. Once I made it through the curtain Gionna and Tyler were waiting for us.

Liv: Woooo good job out there bro.

Travis: Thanks, that may have been my best match ever.

Tyler: Dude that was a bad ass match.

Before I went to the locker room I took a pic with Tyler and then I took one with Thea and Gionna.

Alex: Dude that match was epic.

Travis: We fucking killed it.

Alex: Sorry for busting you open man.

Travis: Don't worry I'm sure it added to the drama of the match.

Alex: Can we take a picture?

Travis: Yeah man.

I went to medical and got cleaned up and then I showered and changed then watched the rest of the show with Thea and Skylar. In the main event Tyler retained the Universal Championship against Seth.

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