Let's Get Extreme

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All week I've been posting on Twitter clips from my death matches to hype up the match as much as I could. Before Thea and I left the hotel I sent out a Tweet.

@TravisCrawfordWWE: Tonight, I show the WWE Universe a side of me they've never seen. Tyler, Alex, you've awoken a side of me that I wanted dead. Tonight, you step in the ring with the old Travis and you're not going to like it.

*Show time*

Just by being backstage and watching it on the monitor I could already tell this is going to be an experience I'll never forget. Tyler made his way to the ring first and then he waited while Alex made his way out. Everyone was waiting for me but then Thea's music hit the crowd was booing her as she made her way out.

Zelina: Shut the hell up. You all are about to witness history when the reign of Tyler Baker comes to an end by my future husband. Tyler, Alex, I'd be very afraid if I were you boys. You have no idea what you've gotten yourself into.

Tyler: Travis needs to get his bitch ass out here right now.

Zelina: Ladies and Gentlemen, get on your feet and welcome the next Universal Champion. Travis Crawford

My old indy theme song hit (Marilyn Manson-Sweet Dreams) and I made my way out to the ring with a dog collar chain around my shoulder and a baseball bat in my hand.

Graves: Crawford is all business tonight, whenever we see a dog collar get involved in a wrestling match that means it's going to be brutal.

I got into the ring and the ref rang the bell. I instantly went after Tyler and hit him with the bat. I went for Alex but he ducked and when I turned around her hit me with a drop kick and I went through the ropes. Once I get to my feet I quickly hit the ground again because Alex came flying through the ropes and pushed me back into the announce table. While we're brawling Tyler comes crashing off the apron with a cannonball taking us all out.

*Mid Match*

All 3 of us are covered in blood the whole place looks like a murder scene. I just speared Tyler through a table while I had my back turned Alex wrapped the dog collar around his fist and hit me in the face. When I went down he put the collar around my neck and hung me over the top rope. Alex is literally choking the life out of me and is ignoring the ref. Moments later I felt the pressure lighten up and Alex fell to the mat, Thea was standing over Alex holding a chair. She hit him in the back with it in order to save me. I tried to warn her but she didn't hear me over the loud chants but Tyler was right behind her and he picked her up in a powerbomb position and threw her out of the ring crashing through the table that was set up on the outside of the ring. I rushed over to check on her but was taken out by Alex on my way over.

Saxton: Somebody needs to get out here to check on Zelina Vega.

Graves: There is a point where things get taken too far. Tyler Baker just took things a little too far.

*End of Match*

Thea got carted to the back on a stretcher to sell the injury from the powerbomb. I was going back into the ring but I was about to dive off the top rope when Tyler threw a chair at me and it hit me right in the face. I went crashing to the outside of the ring and when I hit the floor my head bounced off the step that was moved out of place because it was used in the match. That was the last thing I remembered before I woke up in the hospital to Thea holding my hand. Tyler would go on to win the match after making Alex pass out in the Tazmission.

*After the show*

I woke up in the hospital confused as to what happened. Thea told me everything that happened and when the doctor came in I went for some x-rays. It turned out that I had a broken orbital bone from when the chair hit me and I had a sever concussion from the steps. I was going to be down for a while. While Thea and I were sitting in the room there was a knock at the door.

Zelina: Come in.

Tyler: Hey buddy.

Travis: What's up?

Tyler: I felt bad that I hurt you so I got you this teddy bear from the gift shop.

I couldn't help but laugh when he showed me the bear.

Travis: Thanks bro, I feel better already.

Zelina: You two are so damn annoying but I love you guys.

Tyler: I'm so sorry Travis. I didn't do that on purpose.

Travis: Its fine, accidents happen. We know the risks we take with the job. It was just a mistake.

Tyler: How long until you get to go home?

Travis: I don't know yet the doctor never told me.

Zelina: He did, you were just knocked out. He should be able to go home on Tuesday as long as he doesn't get worse.

Tyler: That's great. Whenever you guys go home Gionna and I want to have y'all over for dinner one night. She's going crazy not being on the road.

Zelina: I miss my girl I can't wait.

Tyler: I'm going to head over to the hotel for the night. Do you guys need anything before I leave?

Travis: No, I'm good appreciate it though.

Tyler: Thea?

Zelina: I'm good thanks though.

Tyler: Goodnight, guys. Feel better Trav, love y'all.

*Later that week*

We just got home from Tyler and Gionna's place and we really enjoyed ourselves. We just put Skylar to bed and we're sitting in the living room watching tv.

Travis: You know I was thinking.

Zelina: Is that why it smells like something is burning in here?

Travis: Very funny asshole. I'm trying to be serious.

Zelina: I'm sorry, what were you thinking about?

Travis: Since I'm out with this injury why don't we have our wedding?

Zelina: That's not a bad idea but we're not doing it until that bruising on your face goes down.

Travis: Well obviously. I just figured we're going to have some time off might as well take advantage of it.

Zelina: I already know who my maid of honor is going to be.

Travis: Who?

Zelina: Skylar and G.

Travis: That's adorable. I know Sky is going to be so happy.

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