Chapter 30

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*The next day*

We were on the flight home from New York and Skylar was knocked out. I looked over at Thea and she was looking at her ring smiling.

Travis: I'm so glad you like your ring.

Zelina: I love it, I can't believe we're going to get married. Teenage Thea would be freaking out right now.

Traivs: Teenage Travis would have crapped his pants asking you to marry him.

Zelina: I can't wait to be your wife.

Travis: I'm happy our family is complete now.


Before the show we had to do a meet and greet for the people who got front row tickets to the show. The meet and greet was myself, Alex, Thea, Angel, and Humberto. I was a little mad because my mask wasn't at the arena yet the airport lost my bag so the seamstress was making me a new one so I had to do the meet and greet out of gimmick. The way the meet and greet was set up I was next to Thea so while the fans were meeting the other guys I was messing around on my Instagram with her. This teenage girl was meeting Thea and I was messing around and she kept laughing.

Girl: I love you two. You guys are so funny.

Zelina: Thank you, but you shouldn't have told him that. He's already got a big enough head.

Travis: You see what I have to deal with? She's always so mean to me.

Girl: I think it's cute, your friendship is so adorable. Just so you know I totally ship you two together. I think a Travis Crawford and Zelina Vega power couple could rule the WWE.

Travis: *laughing* Please, she's way out of my league.

Zelina: Maybe I'll be his manager one day and we can rule the WWE together that way.

Girl: Either way, I'd love to see both of you with the gold. Can I take a picture with you guys?

Travis: Of course you can.

We took a picture with the girl and she was really happy.

Zelina: What's your name sweetie?

Girl: Megan.

Travis: It was nice to meet you Megan.

Girl: Nice to meet y'all too.

A few moments later a little boy came over to us and he was sad. He smiled a little bit when he was talking to Thea and when he took a picture with her she kissed his cheek and his face turned so red he was embarrassed. When he got over to me I tried to cheer him up.

Travis: Hey buddy, what's your name?

Boy: Peter.

Travis: Why do you look so sad Peter?

Boy: Because my favorite wrestler James Hero isn't here.

Travis: Wow he's your favorite wrestler?

Boy: Yeah, he's so cool. I really want the American Heroes to win the tournament and beat RKBro for the titles.

Travis: Want to know a secret?

Boy: What is it?

Travis: I'm James Hero. Nobody knows my identity except for you. Zelina doesn't even know and she's been my best friend since we were kids.

Boy: No way really?

Travis: It's true.

Boy: Prove it then.

I did my super hero voice and when I did it Peter got a huge smile on his face.

Boy: You really are him.

Travis: You can't tell anyone. You have to promise my secret is safe with you. I don't need all the bad guys knowing who I am.

Boy: I promise.

We fist bumped and then we took a picture. When the meet and greet was over we went to get ready for the show. I was waiting on my new gear to be finished and right as they finished making it my bag showed up at the arena. Now I had an extra set of the exact gear.


Tonight, we're facing Happy Corbin and Madcap Moss. As we're making our way to the ring I spotted Peter in the front row and I gave him a high five before I got into the ring.

*End of Match*

Alex took out Corbin and then I hit Madcap with a Spinning Brainbuster and then Alex went up to the top and connected with the Frog Splash and we picked up the victory.

As we were walking up the stage I told the security guard to tell Peter's family to stay at their seats after the show.

*Backstage a little later*

We're getting interviewed by Kayla Braxton.

Kayla: Impressive win tonight gentlemen. With the win tonight you're one step closer to facing RKBro. Next week you just have to get through the team of Angel and Humberto.

Alex: Angel and Humberto are very talented but I know James and I can beat them.

As Alex is talking Angel, Humberto, and Thea come over to interrupt.

Travis: Well look what we have here it's those evil villains Angel and Humberto, and I can't forget the very beautiful but just as evil Zelina Vega.

Zelina: Eww gross. Kayla why are you interviewing these two chumps? You should be interviewing the next Raw Tag Team Champions.

Alex: Actually, Zelina she is interviewing the the next Raw Tag Team Champions.

Travis: Maybe after we win the titles you and me can go on a date Zelina.

Zelina: No thanks, you're not my type.

Kayla: Zelina are you not worried about this match at all?

Zelina: Not one bit, my guys are going to mop the ring with these two.

Kayla: Personally, I think Alex and James could upset Angel and Humberto.

Zelina: No way Kayla, maybe if Alex had a different partner Angel and Humberto would be in trouble. *Rubs her hand on Alex's chest* We all know Alex is the real threat in the team. But they won't beat my guys. See you next week losers.

As their walking away I look at Alex and Kayla.

Travis: She wants me.

Kayla: Back to you guys at ringside.

After the show was over the inside was emptying out and I was still in gimmick but I went walking to ringside to meet up with Peter and his family.

Travis: Did you have fun tonight?

Peter: I did, you kicked butt tonight.

Travis: Thanks buddy. Listen I had an extra set of gear made that I don't need anymore. I figured since you know my secret identity and promised to keep it a secret, I'd autograph this set of gear and give it to you.

Peter: Wow thank you so much this is so cool.

Travis: Glad you like it. I have to get going but I just wanted to give that to you.

Peter: Thank you.

Travis: Remember stay in school, eat your vegetables, and listen to your mom and dad.

Peter: I will.

I gave him a fist bump and then went to the back.

*At the hotel*

Thea and I just got back to the room and we were eating dinner.

Travis: I still can't get over that little boy telling me I was his favorite wrestler. It's mind blowing to me that I have people that are fans of me.

Zelina: You're very good at what you do Travis. I get it though I have to sit back and think about it too sometimes.

Travis: It's fucking crazy. Never in a million years did I think this would all be possible.

Zelina: Crazy how life turns out isn't it.

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