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*Continuation from last chapter*

After Thea and I went our separate ways, I called Gionna and let her know I was okay. She told me to take my time tonight and get everything sorted out and that she'd keep Skylar for the night.

*Flashback 2008*

Tonight, is the last football game of our senior year. I'm really excited and nervous at the same time. Not only is this the last game of the season but this is my last ever football game. I'll be going off to Ohio State next year on my wrestling scholarship. We had an early day at school so after we got out Thea and I went and got some lunch before we had to go home and get ready for the game.

*At lunch*

Travis: Everything okay? You look a little down.

Thea: No not really.

Travis: What's wrong?

Thea: Remember how I was telling you how I was going to ask Dustin to go to prom with me?

Travis: Yeah, how'd it go?

Thea: I waited too long and now he has a girlfriend.

Travis: That sucks, what are you going to do now?

Thea: I have no idea man, I got my dress and everything. I guess I'll just be that loser that goes to prom alone.

I looked at her and smiled.

Thea: Why are you smiling?

Travis: I know a guy you can go with.

Thea: Eww no way I'm not going to prom with your weird friend Ben. He creeps me out.

Travis: He is a little weird but he did help me pass my math class so leave him alone. You could always go with me to prom.

Thea: What about Chloe?

Travis: She broke up with me earlier today. She's with the captain of the Baseball team now.

Thea: I'm sorry Travie, I know you really liked her. But seriously she dumped you for Brandon? That guy is dumber than a box of rocks and he smells weird.

Travis: It's all good. So, do you want to go with me to prom or not? I don't want to be the loser by himself at prom.

Thea: Fine, I'll go with you. I'm only going with you because you're my best friend.

*Football game*

It's time for our final home game in our high school career. After the team made our way onto the field they acknowledged the Seniors on both the Football and Cheerleading teams. Each football player was paired with a Cheerleader.

Announcer: And last but certainly not least. Let's hear it for the Captain's Travis Crawford and Thea Trinidad.

Thea and I walked to the center of the field with our arms linked and we got in line with the rest of the Seniors and waved while they cheered for us.

*Game time*

We've been playing our hearts out this whole game. We're tied with 3 seconds left in the game. We're in the huddle right now and I'm calling the play.

Travis: This is it guys, we're 40 yards away from the endzone and we're tied. Ben I'm going for you on this play we need to get this score to win.

We broke the huddle and we go to line up. I look at the stands and I see my Mom, Dad, and Gionna all cheering me on. I get behind the center and try to catch the defense slipping but they're not budging so I hike the ball and drop back to pass. One of the rushers got free and now he's on my tail. I'm scrambling to get away and out the corner of my eye I see another about to sack me.

Travis: Fuck it Ben is open somewhere.

I just threw the ball and then I got slammed into the ground. I'm afraid to look but all of the sudden I hear the stadium erupt. I look up and see the score board changed to 21-27 we won.

Announcer: What a game winning play a 40 yard touchdown pass from Crawford to Brooks.

I ran down the field as fast as I could and I picked Ben up and the whole team jumped on us. It was an awesome night. After the game I left the locker room with my school hoodie on and I met up with my parents, Gionna, Thea, and her Mom. They took a pic of us and then we all went out to dinner to celebrate.

*Present Day*

I woke up and decided I was going to go and talk things over with my Dad. We talked for about an hour and we both got our feelings out and at the end of everything we sort of made up. He was still against the idea of me wrestling but we're at least on speaking terms now. After I talked things out with my Dad I went to pick Skylar up from Gionna's house.

Liv: Hey bro, are you doing better today?

Travis: Yeah, a lot better. I talked to Thea yesterday and she helped me out a lot.

Liv: I'm glad someone talked some sense into you.

Travis: I just left Mom and Dad's. I talked to Dad.

Liv: How'd it go?

Travis: We're on speaking terms now. So, it's a start I guess.

Liv: We talked last night.

Travis: What did he say?

Liv: He told me what you told him.

Travis: I'm sorry I never told you. I feel like I let you down.

Liv: Travis, I'm your little sister you've never let me down. I've always looked up to you. I just wish you would have told me sooner.

Travis: It was hard G. I'm going to get counseling though to help me out.

Liv: That's a start, I just want you to know that no matter what I'm always here for you. I love you.

Travis: I love you too sis.

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