Finally Together

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Thea had to leave to hit the road later tonight so she stopped by to hang out with Skylar and I today before she left. I just got changed and right as I finished, I heard the doorbell ring. I went over to get it and Thea was standing there with a smile on her face. I let her in and hugged her then we shared a kiss.

Travis: You look nice baby.

Zelina: Whatever you say, I look like a bum these are my travel clothes. Where's my girl at?

Travis: She's inside watching Lion King.

Zelina: Did you tell her yet?

Travis: Not yet, I was going to wait a little bit. Not sure if it's the right time.

Zelina: That's fine.

Thea and I walked into the living room and Skylar looked up and ran over to Thea and gave her a hug.

Skylar: Hi Ms. Thea.

Zelina: What's up girl?

Skylar: Just watching my favorite movie ever.

Zelina: Can I watch it with you?

Skylar: Duh

We sat on the couch with Skylar and watched the movie with her.

Travis: Where are you heading to this loop?

Zelina: California and Texas. I'm gone for two weeks.

Travis: That sucks, that time change must suck

Zelina: It does at first but it's not bad. How's your situation going?

Travis: Still waiting on a deal from someone.

Skylar: Can you two please be quiet? I'm trying to watch the movie.

Travis: Yes ma'am, we'll go outside so you can watch your movie you little turd.

Skylar: I'm not a turd.

Travis: Yes you are.

I messed her hair up and gave her a kiss on the cheek then Thea and I went outside onto the patio.

Travis: Want to play a game of pool?

Zelina: I'm terrible but sure.

Travis: Don't feel bad so am I.

I turned on some music and Biggie was playing and she was rapping along with it. She took my snapback off my head and put it on hers while she was rapping.

Travis: Nice performance I'm impressed.

Zelina: Thank you very much.

Travis: Can I have my hat back now?

Zelina: Nope, I like it I think I'm going to keep it.

Travis: You're so mean. Can I have a kiss?

Zelina: Sure.

We kissed.

Travis: Can I have my hat back now?

Zelina: Nope it's mine now. You should know once your girlfriend gets a hold of your stuff it becomes hers.

Travis: Fine it looks better on you anyway.

*Later in the night*

Thea stayed for dinner and then she had to get going so she called her Uber. When her ride got to my house I walked her out.

Travis: I think when you come back we'll tell Skylar about us.

Zelina: You sure?

Travis: Yeah, I'll feel her out and see if it's a good time.

Zelina: If you're comfortable with it then I'll be okay with it.

Travis: I don't want you to miss your flight.

I hugged and kissed her.

Travis: Let me know when you land.

Zelina: I will, I love you.

Travis: I love you too.

After Thea left, I went back inside and spent some time with Skylar. I was watching her run around in the back yard with Shadow when my phone went off and it was an email from GCW. They offered me a crazy amount of money to do a Death Match with Nick Gage and Jon Moxley. I haven't been in the ring in a few months and I was seriously considering it even though I retired from Death Match Wrestling. When Skylar was done playing with Shadow she came over and jumped on me.

Skylar: Daddy, how come I always watch Aunt Gionna wrestle but I've never seen you wrestle?

Travis: Do you want to see me wrestle?

Skylar: Yeah, can we watch some of your matches?

Travis: I don't have any to watch. They all were in another country and we don't get the channel here. Maybe soon you can come watch.

Skylar: Okay.

*A few days later*

I was watching Raw and I dozed off after Thea's match. My phone went off and scared me I answered it because it was Thea.

Travis: Hey shorty.

Zelina: Hey baby, did I wake you?

Travis: Yeah, but it's fine. I fell asleep after your match.

Zelina: Do you have a minute? I need to talk to you about something.

Travis: What's up?

Zelina: I've been thinking, what if Skylar doesn't accept me as your girlfriend? I've just been thinking about that the past few days.

Travis: You have nothing to worry about. I personally think she's going to be happy.

Zelina: I really hope you're right. I'm just really nervous about this whole thing.

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