Untitled Part 10

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*2 weeks later*

Thea is coming back this weekend and I was getting the place cleaned up a little bit while Skylar was in the kitchen drawing.

Skylar: Daddy look at my picture.

Travis: It's beautiful.

Skylar: That's me, you, and shadow.

Travis: Why is Aunt Gionna so short?

Skylar: That's not Aunt Gionna, that's Ms. Thea.

Travis: What made you want to put Ms. Thea in the family picture?

Skylar: I really like her a lot.

Travis: She really likes you too sweetie.

Skylar: Can she come over for dinner again?

Travis: She's actually coming over tomorrow. She's on her way home now.

Skylar: Yay I can't wait.

*Later that night*

After I put Skylar to bed I did the dishes then I called Thea on FaceTime.

Travis: Hey beautiful.

Zelina: Eww I'm not beautiful, I look like a hot mess right now.

Travis: I'm sorry you must not have heard me. I said Hey beautiful.

Zelina: How was your day?

Travis: Not bad just spent the day cleaning around the house and chillin with the kid. How about you?

Zelina: Long and tiring. I can't wait to have a few days off.

Travis: Excited to tell Skylar the big news?

Zelina: I'm still super nervous though.

Travis: Trust me you have nothing to worry about. I have to show you the cutest thing ever.

I walked into the kitchen and showed her the picture that Skylar drew.

Zelina: No way, she really drew me in the family picture?

Travis: Yeah, I thought it was G and I asked her why she was so short and she was like that's not Aunt GIonna that's Ms. Thea.

I saw her starting to tear up a little bit.

Travis: Everything okay?

Zelina: I'm fine, I just think that's the sweetest thing ever and it makes me feel so much better.

Travis: I told you that you had nothing to worry about.

Zelina: I've been so nervous thinking that she wouldn't accept me coming into her life. I didn't want her to think that I'm trying to be her Mom. I guess I just let it get in my head that she may not like the fact that we're together.

Travis: I can tell you right now that's the furthest thing from the truth. She adores you, there is nothing for you to worry about. We both want to keep you around for a long time so stop worrying.

*The next day*

I walked Skylar to school today and I told her that I'd be back to pick her up later. When I got home I got in my truck and picked Thea up from the airport.

Travis: I missed you. How was your flight?

Zelina: It was good, I'm glad it's finally over so I can spend time with you and Skylar.

Travis: I can't wait for some quality time with my girls.

I put my arm around Thea and held her close as we walked through the airport. We went to baggage claim and I grabbed her stuff and then we headed to my truck.

Zelina: What time does Skylar get out of school?

Travis: In about an hour.

Zelina: Well we don't have much time to do anything what do you want to do?

Travis: We can go back to my place, then we can walk up to the school to pick her up.

*A few hours later*

We held hands as we walked up to the school but when we got closer, we stopped because we didn't want Skylar to see us before we told her. We waited on the sidewalk and when she came out of the doors and saw us, she got the biggest smile on her face and came running towards us. I crouched down because I knew she was going to run into me with a big hug but I was shocked when she ran right over to Thea.

Skylar: I missed you so much Ms. Thea.

Zelina: I missed you too sweetie. How are you?

Skylar: I'm doing great.

Travis: Well I guess I'm not needed anymore.

Skylar: I missed you too Daddy.

She came over and gave me a hug.

Travis: How was school?

Skylar: It was good. Can we go get ice cream?

Travis: I'm always down for ice cream. We have to ask Ms. Thea if she wants ice cream.

She looks over at Thea with little puppy dog eyes.

Skylar: Can we please go for ice cream Ms. Thea? Pretty please

Zelina: How can I say no to that face. Let's go.

Skylar: Yay ice cream, ice cream, ice cream.

I look over at Thea and she's smiling.

Travis: C'mon kiddo let's go.

While we're walking to the ice cream shop Skylar grabs both of our hands. We got to the ice cream shop and we placed our orders and then we sat down to eat our ice cream.

Skylar: Ms. Thea can we do something fun this weekend?

Zelina: Sure, what do you want to do?

Skylar: Can we build a fort and watch all of the Toy Story movies?

Travis: I'm down, I haven't done that since I was a kid. What about you Thea?

Zelina: I'd love to.

Skylar: Daddy guess what?

Travis: What sweetie?

Skylar: I have good news. I got a gold star in class today because I shared my crayons with another kid that didn't have any.

Travis: Woah, good job.

I looked over at Thea and she nodded so I knew the time was right.

Travis: Hey Sky, I have something I need to tell you and I think you'll be very happy.

Skylar: What is it?

Travis: Well, a few days ago I asked Ms. Thea to be my girlfriend and she said yes. So now she's going to be around a lot more.

Her eyes lit up when I told her that and she was so happy.

Skylar: This is the best day ever. 

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