The Truth Comes Out

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*The next morning*

I was woken up by Skylar poking me in the side.

Skylar: Daddy wake up.

Travis: I'm up sweetie.

Skylar: Your alarm was ringing for a really long time. You must have been really sleepy, I let Shadow out of his cage because I wanted to play with him and he made an accident on the floor. Don't be mad at me Daddy.

Travis: It's okay, I'm not mad at you. I'll clean it up. Go brush your teeth and get ready for school.

I got out of bed and I walked into the living room and saw the mess that Shadow made.

Travis: Dude what the hell, there's no way all of this poop came from you.

He walked over and licked my leg. I went into the kitchen to grab some cleaning supplies. Once I was finished, I took him outside and let him run around the yard a little bit.

Travis: Let it all out buddy, no more accidents for you.

When he came inside, I filled his water and food bowl then I made breakfast for Skylar.

Skylar: Why aren't you eating with me Daddy?

Travis: I'm meeting Ms. Thea for breakfast after I take you to school.

Skylar: I like Ms. Thea. She's really pretty and she likes Pokémon just like I do.

Travis: We've been friends since we were kids. She's pretty cool.

Skylar: I wish she could be your girlfriend and not Ms. Anna

Travis: Ms. Thea and I are just best friends sweetie.

Skylar: I bet she would be a cool Mommy.

Travis: I'm sure she would. Finish, your breakfast or we're going to be late for school.

Once Skylar finished her breakfast, I put her dish in the sink and then we were ready to leave. I locked the door and went over to the truck to let her in. I let her tie her own shoes today and as she was running to the truck her shoelace came untied and she tripped and scraped her knee. As soon as she fell, she started crying because her knee was bleeding. I picked her up and brought her inside and I cleaned the scrape and put a band aid on it. We got in the truck and I dropped her off at school. I texted Thea to let her know I was running behind but I was on my way.

*At the restaurant*

Travis: Hey sorry I'm late

Zelina: I was starting to think you were going to stand me up.

Travis: I've had a pretty eventful morning. Skylar let the puppy out of the cage and he had an accident and there was shit everywhere, then when we were leaving for school, she tripped and scraped her knee and it was the end of the world.

Zelina: Sounds like you had a shitty morning.

Travis: God you're an asshole.

Zelina: I'm impressed it only took you 20 years to figure that out.

Travis: Why am I friends with you?

Zelina: Because I know everything about you and could ruin your life if I wanted to. Besides you just love me so much.

Travis: Whatever you say Thea.

Zelina: The correct response was "You're right Thea, I love you so much bestie"

I just gave her the middle finger and we both just laughed.

Travis: If you're not busy this weekend Anna and some of her friends are stopping by. You and G are more than welcome to stop by.

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