Trick or Treat

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*2 weeks later*

Today is Halloween and Gionna and Tyler are going Trick or Treating with us. Thea, Skylar, and I met up with Gionna and Tyler at this Mexican restaurant in town for lunch today.

Tyler: Hey guys, how are y'all?

Zelina: Tired.

Liv: You feeling any better girl?

Zelina: Yeah, a little bit.

Travis: I'm sore as hell. Those damn Viking Raiders kicked my ass at the live event.

While we were waiting on our food, I noticed Thea looked a little off. She excused herself from the table and went to the bathroom, Gionna followed behind her.

Skylar: Is mommy okay?

Travis: Yeah, she just hasn't been feeling good the past few days.

*In the bathroom*

Gionna walked in and heard Thea throwing up.

Liv: Thea are you okay?

Zelina: I'm fine.

Liv: You don't sound fine.

Zelina: We need to talk.

Liv: Okay, what's up?

Zelina: Hold that thought. I gotta puke again.

Thea runs back into the stall and Gionna follows behind her and holds her hair while she throws up.

Zelina: G, I think I'm pregnant.

Liv: Wait what? Did you just say what I think you did?

Zelina: Yeah, Travis and I had sex 2 weeks ago and he finished inside me. Here we are now and I think we may have gotten pregnant.

Liv: Oh my god, I'm so excited for you guys.

Zelina: I am too but we don't need to get ahead of ourself.

Liv: Take a test.

Zelina: No shit Sherlock. Where the fuck am I going to get one without Travis finding out?

Liv: I have an idea. I can stop by the store before we come over to y'all's tonight and we can take it then.

Zelina: I like the way you think. We just have to keep it cool until then.

*A few hours later*

Tyler and Gionna arrived at our house. I was helping Skylar get ready for Trick or Treating.

Travis: Hey guys, where are your costumes?

Tyler: In our bag.

Zelina: You're not going to tell us what y'all are going to be yet?

Liv: I'll tell you but not Travis.

The girls went into our room and I just looked at Tyler confused.

Travis: Women.

Tyler: Can't live with them, can't live without them.


Thea took the test and they both were waiting very impatiently for the results, a few minutes go by.

Liv: Is it ready?

Zelina: I'll check.

Thea grabbed the test and when she looked at it she smiled and started to cry.

Zelina: I'm pregnant.

Liv: Oh my god yay.

Both girls were hugging and crying because they were so happy.

Liv: I'm so happy for you guys right now.

Zelina: I'm so nervous.

Liv: Don't be nervous, you're going to be a great mom. You're already doing such a great job with Skylar.

Zelina: I can't believe I'm having a baby with Travis. I never thought this day would happen.

Liv: Well, believe it sister. When are you going to tell him?

Zelina: Maybe I'll tell him tonight.

Liv: Ugh the suspense. Let me know what happens.

*30 minutes later*

Tyler and Liv are in the living room playing on the Xbox and we yelled out to them that we were ready. Skylar wanted us to do the whole Team Rocket intro so we did it and they loved it.

Travis: Where's the costumes?

Liv: Give us a sec.

Tyler and Liv went into the other room and they walked into the living room like 5 minutes later.

Tyler: Tada.

Zelina: Oh my god. What the hell.

Liv: We're a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Travis: That is by far the funniest shit I've seen today.

Tyler: I know you guys are pretty jelly of our costumes.

I'm cracking up laughing while Gionna and Thea are both giving me a death stare.

Travis: C'mon that was pretty clever. You two have a terrible sense of humor for not finding that funny.

Zelina: I hate you sometimes.

*Later that night*

We got back to the house after Trick or Treating. We had a blast and Skylar got a ton of candy. Once we got everything situated Skylar got her bag packed, she was going to stay with Gionna and Tyler tonight. A while after they left Thea and I were talking.

Travis: I think our first Halloween as a family was a success.

Zelina: I do too. We need to figure out how were going to top this next year.

Travis: We should do the NWO. Skylar could be a pretty adorable Hollywood Hogan.

Zelina: That's a pretty good idea. Hey Travis I have something I need to talk to you about.

Travis: Okay what is it?

She looked at me and smiled.

Travis: C'mon woman spill it.

Zelina: I'm pregnant.

Travis: Stop playing.

Zelina: No, I really am.

She reached into her hoodie pocket and pulled out the positive test. I got up off the couch and started walking around.

Zelina: That's not the reaction I was expecting.

Travis: You're really pregnant?

Zelina: Yes

Travis: Well would you look at that we're out of milk. Guess I better go get some and never come back.

Zelina: Travis that's not funny.

Travis: I'm just playing.

I pulled Thea in for a hug and while we were hugging I started to tear up. I gave her a kiss on the top of her head. We shared a kiss and then we hugged again.

Travis: This isn't a joke right? You're not getting me back for hiding your makeup the other day?

Zelina: No Travis this is 100% real. We're going to have a baby.

It finally hit me and I cried a little bit.

Travis: You have no idea how happy I am right. We're having a baby.

Zelina: I'm having a baby. You're just going to have to deal with being my servant and putting up with my bitchy attitude for the next 9 months.

Travis: I'm completely okay with that. I will gladly do that, I love you Thea.

Zelina: I love you too Travis.

We watched a few scary movies and cuddled on the couch. I put my hand over Thea's belly and then she put hers over mine. She looked up at me and smiled and at that moment life was perfect.

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