The Kiss

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We haven't told anyone aside from Gionna about the pregnancy we wanted to keep it secret until our first doctor appointment just to make sure the baby is fine. We arrived at the arena for Raw tonight, and when we got there, we went to meet up with Alex. While we were on our way over, we noticed him talking to Rhea Ripley.

Travis: Howdy y'all.

Alex: What's with the Southern accent?

Travis: We're in Texas I might as well play the part.

Rhea: Nah, it's not a good look mate.

Zelina: I agree you are not a country boy Travis.

Travis: Whatever. So, what are we doing tonight?

Alex: Tag match against Alpha Academy.

Zelina: Apparently tonight Alex and I are going to become a couple on screen.

Travis: You kiss her and you die.

Alex: I don't plan on it. I have an idea though.

Travis: I'm listening.

Alex went on to tell us his idea and I thought it was funny as hell.

Zelina: That's actually a pretty good idea.

Alex: I think it'll get a good reaction when it happens.

Rhea: I'll catch you guys around. See ya later Alex.

Once Rhea left Thea and I gave Alex a look.

Zelina: How long has that been going on?

Alex: What do you mean?

Travis: Bro the best option is not to try and hide it anymore. She's already figured it out.

Alex: After Hell in a Cell. We rode together that night since y'all didn't travel and went home. We spent a few hours together in the car and we just clicked.

Zelina: Aww that's cute.

Alex: It's funny because I had just given up looking and focused on myself.

Travis: That's exactly what I told you to do.

Alex: We're not official or anything yet. We're just taking things slow and see where the end up.

Zelina: Sometimes that's best for things.

Travis: She's not wrong, I mean look at us.

Alex: We're not waiting 20 years something to happen.


We're towards the end of our match with Alpha Academy, Otis has been putting a beating on me and he just tagged Gable in. Before Otis was going to exit the ring he wanted to charge at me while I was in the corner but at the last second I moved and he ran shoulder first into it. Thea grabbed Gable's foot which gave me enough time to make the tag to Alex. Alex came into the ring and connected with a lariat and then I got into the ring and hit the Spinning Brain Buster and then Alex went to the top for the Frog Splash. While Alex was pinning Gable I blew a kiss to Thea and she answered back by pretending to vomit.

*Later in the night*

The camera cuts to Thea and Alex talking backstage.

Alex: You know I'll admit I was wrong about you.

Zelina: Well, thank you. I had fun on our date earlier today.

Alex: Yeah, it was nice. I just wish I would have kissed you.

Zelina: Well, what are you waiting for?

Thea and Alex both closed their eyes and started to move in for a kiss and right as they were moving in I got in between them and they both kissed my cheeks.

Alex: What the...

Zelina: Oh my god that's disgusting. Now I need to brush my teeth.

Thea took off running and Alex looked at me.

Alex: Dude, what the hell? I was totally about to kiss Zelina.

Travis: My apologize my friend. I just had to give you some news.

Alex: What's that?

Travis: Our good friend Kayla Braxton just informed me that today makes it 1 month since we won the titles from RKBro.

Alex: That couldn't have waited until after I kissed Zelina?

Travis: If it makes you feel any better I finally got a kiss from Zelina. She totally wants me.

Alex: C'mon James let's get out of here.

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