Meeting My Sister's Boyfriend

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I woke up and Thea was sleeping with her head on my chest and her arm around me. I just laid there and watched her sleep and I forgot all about the alarm. When it went off it scared me and I jumped causing Thea to wake up.

Travis: Good Morning sleepy head.

Zelina: Good morning handsome.

We shared a kiss and then she rolled over.

Travis: You wore me out last night.

Zelina: You weren't so bad yourself. Teenage Thea is freaking out right now.

Travis: What do you think about one more round before we head over to Gionna's?

Zelina: Let's do it.

*An hour later*

We arrived at Gionna's house. G and Skylar were already ready to go to the theme park.

Travis: Y'all ready?

Liv: We're waiting for Tyler.

The doorbell rang.

Zelina: Right on cue.

Travis: Wow he's good.

Gionna went to open the door and I was a little nervous. Thea grabbed my hand smiled at me and told md to calm down. Gionna walks in with this guy that's around my height with short dark hair and a long beard.

Liv: Thea, Travis this is my boyfriend Tyler.

Zelina: Nice to meet you Tyler. I'm Thea, I'm Gionna's brother's girlfriend.

Travis: Nice to meet you buddy.

Tyler: You too man.

Skylar: Can we go to Disney now?

Travis: Yes sweetie we can go now.

We had a blast at Disney, we rode every ride and even stayed for the firework show. After we left the park we went and got dinner. Dinner went well and Tyler and I hit it off pretty well. On the way back to Gionna's house Skylar passed out in the car. When we pulled up I got her out of the car and carried her into the house. I put her in the bed in one of the guest rooms and Spirit crawled into bed with her. I went back to the living room and talked with Gionna, Thea, and Tyler for a little bit.

Travis: Did I miss anything good?

Liv: Nah not really.

Tyler: Thea was telling me that you played Quarterback in high school.

Travis: Yeah, I was the captain of the team. I could have gone to college on a scholarship but I decided to go on a wrestling one instead.

Tyler: Nice, I played Quarterback too.

Travis: Did you play in college?

Tyler: I played at Kentucky and then got drafted to the Jets.

Travis: Oh shit that's badass

Tyler: It was until I got banned for hitting a ref.

Traivs: Is that why you got into wrestling?

Tyler: Yeah and my best friend's Uncle is Booker T so he trained me.

Travis: That's pretty cool man.

Tyler and I kept talking and ignored the girls.

Zelina: I think our boyfriends have a crush on each other.

Liv: Well at least they're getting along. This could be a lot worse.

Zelina: Hey boys, did you forget about us?

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