You F***ed Up

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The show kicks off with Alex making his way down to the ring.

Alex: Last week Travis you tried to get the best of me but it wasn't enough. I was the one who walked away last week not you.

Alex was interrupted by Thea.

Zelina: Oh my god Alex shut the hell up. It's the same crap with you every week. We get it you're afraid to go one on one with Travis so you figure that if you talk a big enough game these idiots will get behind you. It's really kind of pathetic if you ask me.

Alex: Good thing nobody asked for your opinion Zelina. How's your fiancé doing?

Zelina: Very funny, thanks to you he's not here tonight. You injured him pretty bad. I hope you're happy with yourself.

Alex: That's just a sample of what I'm going to do to him at Wrestle Mania.

Zelina: You're not going to do anything Alex. You wish you were half the man that Travis is.

Alex: If he's such a man he would be here tonight and not letting you fight his battles. I guess when it comes to being a man he's just like you, short.

Thea slapped Alex across the face and then he got in her face.

Graves: This monster is going to put his hands on Zelina Vega.

Saxton: No, he's not. Alex would never do something like that he's a decent human. Can't say the same thing for that low life Travis.

Thea starts laughing in his face.

Alex: What's so funny?

Zelina: Turn around.

As soon as Alex turned around, I started throwing punches. Alex and I are trading blows and he goes to swing at me but I dodged it and he ends up hitting Thea with a right hook. As soon as he realized what he did he ran out of the ring. I tried to chase him before he got out of the ring but he was too fast. I went to check on Thea and I held her in my arms while I made sure she was okay. Alex just stood at the top of the stage in shock at what just happened. I have my sights locked in on him and I'm pissed.

Travis: I'll get you back you son of a bitch. Mark my god damn words you're going to pay for that.

Once the show comes back from break Alex is in the back getting interviewed by Kayla Braxton.

Kayla: Alex what happened out there?

Alex: It was an accident, Kayla. I didn't know he was going to move.

Before Kayla could ask her next question I jumped Alex from behind. I picked him off the ground and I tossed him into an equipment box and I smashed his head against it a few times. I picked him up and I threw him into one of the trunks with merch in it and then I started to stomp him before I got on top of him and started laying into him with punches. I wasn't going to stop but Riddle and Austin Theory had pulled me off of him. I managed to get free from them and I picked up a light tube that was near by and smashed it over his head. I started to punch him in the face some more but was pulled off this time by Omos. When I looked at Alex his face was busted open.

Travis: Just wait until I get my hands on you at Wrestle Mania. You pushed me over the edge now.

*The next week*

In the middle of the show the ring was set up for a contract signing. Adam Pearce was in the ring.

Adam: Tonight, I'm out here to make the match between Travis Crawford and Alex Johnson at Wrestle Mania official. Gentlemen if you'd please join me out here.

Alex made his way out first and he's bandaged up from the attack last week. Then my music hit and Thea and I made our way down to the ring.

Adam: Gentlemen, we're going to make this match official. Here's the contract now if you would please sign it.

Alex signed and then he took his mic.

Alex: It's time to shut you two up once and for all. I'm sick and tired of the two of you coming out here week after week burying me and saying that I'm weak. This Sunday at Wrestle Mania I'm going to prove the two of you wrong and all of these people that have my back right. I know I'm biting off more than I can chew but I'm not going down without a fight.

I signed the contract and then took my mic.

Travis: You literally just signed your death wish. Mistake number one was agreeing to face me at Wrestle Mania. Mistake number two was when you decided to put your hands on Zelina last week. But the final mistake was you signing that contract. You see Alex I've had the past 7 days to actually think about everything. Let's just say you've woken up something inside me that you're going to regret. You may not know my track record from the past but if you look up at the tron you and the rest of these morons will see what I'm capable of.

I had a video put together of highlights from my death matches in Japan and once the video was over I saw a look of fear in Alex's eyes.

Travis: That is waiting for you at Wrestle Mania. I'll see you Sunday.

As we were walking out of the ring Alex came over and grabbed me and turned me around. He's standing face to face with me.

Alex: You're not better than me. You're not getting in my head Travis. I'm not scared of you.

He slapped me across the face and the crowd cheered.

I backed off and held the ropes open for Thea and once she was out of the ring safe, I went right after Alex. I took him down and started laying into him. He managed to get me on my back and started laying into me. Now we're both up on our feet and I picked him up and rammed him into the corner but he managed to get out and he hit me with a spinebuster through the table. After he celebrated he left the ring and when he walked past Thea he blew her a kiss.

Saxton: That is a side of Alex Johnson I didn't think we'd see.

Graves: Alex just signed his death wish. You saw what Travis did to him last week when he pissed him off. Imagine what's going to happen at Wrestle Mania.

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