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Raw is in Cleveland tonight, at the top of the 2nd hour is Miz TV.

Miz: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to the most must see talk show in WWE history. Welcome to Miz TV.

The crowd let out a loud cheer.

Miz: I love it, it's great to be back home right here in Cleveland Ohio. We are just 3 weeks away from Wrestle Mania and my guest tonight is going to be in one of the biggest and most anticipated matches on the night. Please give a warm Cleveland welcome to The American Bad Ass Alex Johnson.

Alex makes his way out to the ring greeted with cheers from the crowd in attendance.

Miz: Alex thank you for coming onto my show tonight.

Alex: Miz the pleasure is mine.

Miz: Now Alex, in just 3 weeks' time you're going to be making your Wrestle Mania debut. Not only are you making your debut but you're facing your former best friend and tag team partner. How do you feel going into that match?

Alex: In all honesty child Alex is jumping for joy right now. This was always my dream ever since I was a little kid. Now I wish I was competing alongside Travis and not against him but he sees things differently.

Miz: Some would say Travis is in your head with mind games. I mean we all saw what happened at Elimination Chamber when he speared you through that pod.

Alex: Did you see the part where I pinned him in the middle of this ring? Travis thinks that he lives in my head rent free. Well, he's wrong. Two weeks ago, my goal was to compete at Wrestle Mania for the Universal Championship but now it's not about the Universal Championship. The goal has changed and that goal is to show Travis that I always have been better than he is.

Miz: Let's be honest here Alex, you kinda piggybacked off of Travis. He did do all the heavy lifting in the team and you just came in for the finish. You may have gotten the fans but who actually gives a damn about these people. Travis got the girl and the momentum. If you ask me, I think Travis beats you easily at Wrestle Mania.

Alex: Well lucky for me your opinion doesn't matter. He may have the momentum and he may have Zelina by his side. I have something that he doesn't have and that's heart. These people believe in me because in a way I'm just like them, the underdog that stands up to the bully. Travis you may be bigger and stronger than me but remember it's not about the size of the dog in the fight it's about the size of the fight in the dog.

Miz: Wow what a speech Alex, it's like it was right out of an inspirational football movie.

Alex: You know Miz I'm getting really tired of your mouth.

Miz: Do something about it then.

Alex and Miz are standing face to face when all of the sudden I came running through the crowd jumped the barricade and attacked Alex from the back. Alex is down and Miz and I are stomping on him. Miz picks him up and holds him while I connect with a knee to the side of his head and then Miz hits him with the Skull Crushing Finale. Thea is walking to the ring shouting words of encouragement to me. Thea is now in the ring and she holds my arm up while the crowd is booing me.

*Later in the night*

The camera cuts to Thea and I talking.

Zelina: You showed that loser tonight.

Travis: I actually feel bad for the guy. He thinks he has a chance at beating me at Wrestle Mania.

Zelina: I don't know what's sadder, the fact that he thinks he can beat you or the fact that he thinks the fans are behind him.

*Thea and I both laughed for a moment*

Travis: I can't wait to get this over with so I can be done with him and focus on bigger and better things.

While Thea and I are talking Alex hits me from behind with a kendo stick.

Saxton: That's more like it. Alex is getting some revenge from earlier tonight.

Graves: That was really low for Alex to do that.

Zelina: Leave him alone.

Alex ripped my shirt and he keeps laying into me with the kendo stick. He's hitting me so hard that it snapped in half. Eventually the fight got broken up. I'm lying on the floor in pain.

Thea: Oh my god, Travis are you okay?

My stomach and back are covered in blood from the kendo stick shots.

Travis: I'm going to kill him.

*After the show*

We're back at the hotel and Thea just helped me get bandaged up when we heard a knock at our door.

Travis: I'll get it.

I got up and it was Alex.

Alex: Hey man sorry to stop by so late.

Travis: You're good. We were just about to go to bed what's up?

Alex: I just wanted to bring over these ice packs I figured you might need them.

Travis: Those might come in handy. You know you didn't have to hit me so hard right.

Alex: That's my bad I got caught up in the moment.

Travis: It's all good bro. I'm gonna get to bed, maybe one day this week you and Rhea stop over and we'll chill.

Alex: Alright sounds like a plan. Goodnight bro.

Travis: Night.

Alex: Goodnight Thea.

Zelina: Goodnight Alex.

Once Alex left, I closed the door and locked it then I got into bed.

Zelina: How are you feeling?

Travis: Still sore but I'll survive.

She gave me a kiss and then rolled over.

Zelina: I love you.

Travis: I love you too.

I was laying on my side and Thea cuddled up next to me and she put her ass on my crotch.

Travis: Really?

Zelina: What I'm just trying to get comfortable. You should try too.

She took my hand and put it under her shirt.

Travis: Babe not tonight I'm too sore. I know how wild you can get.

Zelina: Don't worry I'll take it easy on you tonight.

We started to make out and then we made love.

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