Elimination Chamber

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Tonight, is the Elimination Chamber to see who will go to Wrestle Mania as the WWE Universal Champion. On Monday night Seth Rollins won the opportunity in a gauntlet match to enter the chamber last. Before the show started I went into the ring to check out the Elimination Chamber since I've never been inside it before. When I got into the ring I saw Alex and Seth in the ring talking.

Travis: What's up guys?

Alex: Just checking this thing out and getting some advice from Seth.

Travis: This thing is a monster.

Seth: You don't even know the half of it gentlemen. This cage will take some years off of you.

Travis: What's the best advice you got?

Seth: Just make it out alive and be ready to be sore the next few days.

Travis: That wasn't much advice but just by looking at this thing I can tell it's either kill or be killed.

Seth: Exactly.

*Later in the night*

I was in the back getting loose for the match and I had my headphones on when I saw Thea coming my way. I took my headphones off and I gave her a hug and a kiss.

Thea: You ready to head over to Gorilla?

Travis: It's already time?

Thea: Yeah, the match before the main event is almost finished.

We walked hand and hand to Gorilla and we saw Tyler and Gionna

Travis: Get a room you two.

Liv: Rude.

Travis: You ready Ty?

Tyler: Yeah, this isn't my first rodeo in this bad boy.

Travis: Not going to lie, I'm really nervous right now.

Zelina: You'll be fine.

Travis: I know I'll be fine. I won't have you in my corner though which will suck.


I came out 3rd and I was walking down to the ring with Thea. We stopped right at the steps to enter the chamber and I looked the chamber over and then Thea started to hype me up.

Zelina: You got this. These guys aren't on your level. Get in there and bring home what is yours.

I pulled Thea in for a kiss and then she walked to the back. Once I got in the ring I walked over to my pod and then the ref closed the door. Alex was out next and when he walked into the ring he walked over to my pod and taunted me. I banged onto the glass and tried to intimidate him.

*Mid Match*

The countdown clock is going and Alex just got thrown over the top rope by Kevin onto the outside. The clock struck 0 and my pod opened up. Alex is back onto his feet and as soon as I got out of my pod I went running and him and speared him right through the empty pod. We're both lying in the broken glass while the crowd is chanting "Holy shit"

*End of Match*

It's down to Me, Tyler, Alex, and Seth.

Seth and I are going at it and Alex just took Tyler out with a frog splash. Seth hit me with a buckle bomb and then a stomp but before he could go for the cover Alex rolled him up and eliminated him. Alex then went to the top rope but looked up and the crowd went wild. He climbed on top of the pod and then he hit me with a frog splash and eliminated me. Alex took a moment to celebrate and it ended up being a costly mistake because Tyler locked in the Tazmission and choked Alex out.

Mike: Here is your winner and still WWE Universal Champion, Tyler Baker.

Saxton: What a match, Alex Johnson put on one hell of a showing tonight. He didn't win the Universal Championship but he did prevent his former friend Travis Crawford from winning so that's something to be proud of.

Graves: Saxton how stupid are you? On what planet is not winning the Universal Championship something to be proud of? So, what he eliminated Travis, he only did it after Rollins hit him with a stomp. The way I look at it is Crawford still has the advantage over Alex.

Jimmy: Regardless let's talk about Wrestle Mania. Last year Tyler walked out of Wrestle Mania the WWE Champion and this year he's walking in as the Universal Champion. That's pretty impressive

Graves: I guess we'll figure out tomorrow who will face Tyler at Wrestle Mania.


The show opens up with Adam Pearce and Sonya Deville standing in the ring.

Sonya: Last night at Elimination Chamber 6 men walked into that chamber and put on one hell of a match. Tyler Baker walked out still the WWE Universal Champion.

Adam: Which leads us to with a decision to make as to who he will be defending the championship against.

My music hits, Thea and I make our way down to the ring. I held the ropes open for her and she asked for a mic.

Zelina: Let's get this over with Sonya. Just let everyone know that Travis is the one that is going to face Tyler at Wrestle Mania.

Sonya: Sorry to burst your bubble Zelina but that's not going to happen. Travis is not going to be facing Tyler.

Alex's music hits and the crowd cheers.

Alex: You heard what Sonya said. Go to the back of the line chump.

Zelina: Who the hell do you think you're talking to?

Alex: I'm talking to your boyfriend that I pinned last night.

Zelina: First of all he's my fiancé get it right. Second of all you didn't do anything Seth did all of the work. Well, you should be used to that anyway because Travis did all the work in your team.

Alex: I'm out here to take what's mine and that is a Universal Championship match at Wrestle Mania.

Zelina: *Mocking Alex* I'm here to take what's mine blah blah blah shut the hell up nobody gives a damn about your bum ass. So why don't you just leave my man's ring.

Alex: Zelina, why don't you do something useful and go sit at the commentary booth since you like to run your damn mouth so much. This is between Travis and I not you. So go sit in the corner and be a good bitch.

Zelina didn't hold back she slapped Alex so hard she left a red mark on his face.

I snatched the mic from Adam and got right up in Alex's face.

Travis: Don't you talk to her like that ever again you understand me bitch?

Alex: Am I supposed to be scared?

Travis: How about we settle it here tonight. Winner gets the title match at Wrestle Mania.

Alex: You're on bitch.

Sonya: Are you two finished? While you two were bickering Adam and I came up with a solution to everything. Tonight, we will find out who will face Tyler at Wrestle Mania. In the main event it will be Seth Rollins vs Kevin Owens vs Randy Orton.

Adam took the mic back from me.

Adam: I'll be taking this back. Now since the two of you want to fight so bad, we also decided that in 4 weeks at Wrestle Mania it will be Travis Crawford vs Alex Johnson.

Thea handed me her mic.

Travis: Why wait until Mania?

I threw the mic down and started throwing hands with Alex. Adam and Sonya got us broken apart and then Thea slapped Alex across the face and then we left the ring. In the main event Seth Rollins would go on to win the match and he will face Tyler at Wrestle Mania.

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