A New Family Addition

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*5 months later*

I've been doing a lot better since I've went to counseling and I decided to retire from Death Match wrestling and go to a more traditional style. I decided to use my amateur wrestling and work in some more brawling. I went to train with Joe DeFranco since Gionna trained with him before getting signed with WWE and he's worked with a lot of successful athletes. I'm now in the best shape I've ever been in and thanks to Anna I've been working some AEW Dark tapings and I'm starting to gain momentum. I've been working on an as needed basis with AEW, Impact, and ROH. I'm one of the hottest free agents in the business today. I just got back from Orlando I was working an NXT show as an extra in a pull apart. I had a few days off before I was going to AEW so I decided to take surprise Skylar after school.

*Later in the day*

I was waiting at the bus stop for Skylar and when she got off the bus she came running over to me.

Travis: How was school?

Skylar: It was great. I got my report card and I made really good grades.

Travis: I'm so proud of you. I have a surprise for you.

Skylar: What is it Daddy?

Travis: I'm taking you to get something that you've always wanted.

Skylar: A brother or sister?

Travis: Nope, try again.

Skylar: A pony?

Travis: Not a pony but you're getting closer.

Skylar: A puppy?

Travis: Yup, we're going to get a puppy.

Skylar: Yay best day ever.

I found a breeder that had all different kinds of dogs so I took Skylar there to pick whatever kind of puppy she wanted. She ended up picking out the black lab puppy.

Travis: What do you want to name him?

Skylar: Umm I want to name him Shadow.

Travis: Alright, welcome to the family Shadow.

Skylar: Thank you Daddy, I love him so much we're going to be best friends.

After Skylar and I left the breeder, we stopped by the pet store to get some things for Shadow. We brought him home and he was so happy, Skylar and I gave him his first bath and then they played together until it was bed time.

*Later in the night*

While Skylar went and got her pjs on I let Shadow in the backyard to handle his business. When he finished I went to go tuck Skylar in.

Travis: Goodnight baby girl.

Skylar: Goodnight Daddy.

Travis: I'll see you in the morning okay?

Skylar: Daddy I have a question.

Travis: What is it?

Skylar: How come all of the other kids at school have a Mommy and Daddy but I only have a Daddy?

Travis: Well, sometimes there are special little boys and girls that have just a Mommy or a Daddy. When I was your age all I had was Grandpa.

Skylar: Well, this boy makes fun of me at school because I don't have a Mommy.

Travis: You have Aunt Gionna and she's cool.

Skylar: Yeah, I bet she could beat up his Mommy.

Travis: I can beat up his Dad too.

Skylar: Is Ms. Anna going to be my new Mommy?

Travis: I don't know sweetie. Do you want her to be?

Skylar: No, I don't really like her. Aunt Gionna doesn't like her either.

Travis: Why do you say that?

Skylar: I heard her talking to Ms. Thea the other day when we had girls day.

Travis: Alright sweetie let's go to bed.

Skylar: Can Shadow sleep with me?

Travis: Not yet sweetie, he has to sleep in his cage for a while until he's potty trained. Then he can sleep with you.

Skylar: Okay, Goodnight Daddy. I love you.

Travis: Goodnight sweetie, I love you too.

After I tucked Skylar in bed I went into the living room and put on the TV. Anna was on the road this week and I was just scrolling through my Facebook looking at old pictures and I found a pic of Thea and I from our Junior year after one of the basketball games. I screenshot it and texted it to her.

Travis: (In text) Nice braces bro.

Zelina: Fuck you. At least I'm not wearing a hoodie that is two times the size I'd actually wear.

Travis: That was the style back then I had some serious swag.

Zelina: If that's what you want to call it.

Travis: You home at all this week?

Zelina: My flight gets in tonight. Why?

Travis: Want to meet up for breakfast tomorrow after I drop Skylar off at school?

Zelina: Sure, just let me know where and what time.

Travis: Alright, I'll see you then.

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