Main Roster Debut

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Our first live events went pretty good. We worked Angel and Humberto both shows and went over. It was fun because of how well the four of us meshed and it was cool that Thea was out there as their manager. After the show Thea, Alex, and I rode together to Detroit where Raw was being held. Alex was sitting in the back and he seemed a little off.

Travis: You good back there man?

Alex: *sniffs* I'm fine.

Zelina: I'm starving, do you boys want to stop and get some food?

Travis: I'm down, what about you bro?

Alex: I'm not hungry.

Travis: Dude are you crying?

Alex: No, it's just my allergies.

Travis: Quit lying, you're totally crying. What happened?

Alex: Alexa broke up with me.

Travis: Why?

Alex: She's seeing some singer now.

Zelina: That's tough, keep your head up buddy.

Alex: Thanks Thea.

Travis: Who is it?

Alex: Ryan Cabrera.

Travis: Oh shit, I remember that guy. There are plenty of more fish in the sea man. Don't lose sleep over a girl.

Zelina: Travis leave him alone.

Travis: I'm not doing anything wrong.

Alex: He's fine Thea don't worry about it. I'll be okay, I promise.


We're making our Raw debut tonight and were taking place in a tag team gauntlet match to determine the number one contenders for RKBro. I was in my full super hero gimmick and I was wondering around backstage looking for Thea. I saw her in the distance so I wanted to surprise her. I noticed the arena had this walkway that was a little high up so I climbed it and it worked out perfectly because where she was standing there was a big pipe. I walked carefully over to where she was and then I was hanging upside down behind her like Spider Man and I tapped her on the shoulder.

Travis: Hey beautiful.

She turned around surprised to see me behind her.

Zelina: What the fuck. What the hell are you doing like that?

Travis: You know just super hero things.

Zelina: You're going to hurt yourself being up there like that.

Travis: Pfft, I laugh in the face of danger. I just wanted to recreate that scene from Spider Man.

Zelina: You mean this one?

She pulled my mask down until my lips were exposed and then she kissed me.

Travis: Yup, that was the scene.

Zelina: Will you get down from there now?

Travis: Yeah, watch out.

When she moved out of the way I dropped down to the floor and nailed the super hero landing.

Travis: Nailed it.

Zelina: Okay Spider Man, are you ready for tonight?

Travis: Yup, Alex and I are about to put a whoopin on the tag division.

Zelina: I'll be cheering y'all on.


Mace and T Bar are in the ring and they're the only team standing between us and the Raw Tag Team Championship. When our music hit we got a decent pop from the crowd.

Jimmy: Here they are making their Monday Night Raw debuts. Alex Johnson and James Hero.

Byron: The American Heros were former NXT Tag Team Champions and now they have their sights on the Raw Tag Team Championship.

Graves: Saxton they only held the NXT Tag Team Championships for a few weeks because this goofball James Hero was off rescuing kittens from trees and helping old ladies cross the street.

*End of Match*

Alex has been getting beat down by Mace for a long time, they're both down and now he's slowly crawling over to make the tag. Mace makes it to T Bar and right as T Bar is about to grab Alex he made it and tagged me in. I jumped over the top rope and hit a roll as T Bar was charging at me and when he turned around I nailed him with a drop kick. I hyped the crowd up and Mace came running at me and I dodged him and connected with a Code Red and the crowd loved it. I tagged Alex in and then I hit T Bar with a Spinning Brainbuster and then he connected with a frog splash and we won the match.

Mike Rome: Here are your winners. The American Heroes.

*Later in the night*

After the show Thea, Alex, Gionna, and I all went to grab some food before heading back to the hotel for the night. Once we got back we talked a little bit and then we watched some Naruto since Thea has been obsessed with it. After the show had ended, we laid in bed and talked for a while.

Zelina: I'm glad you're on the road with me now. I miss sleeping next to you.

Travis: I did too, I love you stealing all the covers and pushing me out of the bed.

Zelina: I do not do that.

Travis: I honestly have no idea how someone as small as you can take up over half of the bed.

Zelina: You're such an asshole.

Travis: But you love me.

Zelina: If you want to say that.

Travis: Um excuse me Thea Crawford.

Zelina: Really? Thea Crawford? So, were married now?

Travis: Would you marry me?

Zelina: Are you asking?

Travis: Maybe I am, maybe I'm not.

Zelina: I think we both know the answer to that one.

Travis: Thanks for the info. It was just a hypothetical question though I don't plan on getting married.

Zelina: Then why bring it up?

Travis: I mean I do plan on it but just not right now.

Zelina: Glad you changed your mind because I was about to punch you.

Travis: Oh baby, don't threaten me with a good time. 

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