The End

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*2 years later*

I've been Intercontinental Champion ever since I won it 2 years ago at Fastlane. The Wrestle Mania weekend after Tyler had passed he was inducted into the Hall of Fame. Now, we're 3 weeks away from Wrestle Mania.

*Midway through Raw*

I made my way out to the ring with Thea for my promo.

Travis: You know, I've been Intercontinental Champion for 2 years and I've never felt as disrespected as I do right now. We are 3 weeks away from Wrestle Mania and I don't have a match. Since Vince and the other guys in the back don't have any plans for me and I'm not missing Wrestle Mania I have a solution. I'm going to take things into my own hands. If there is anyone in the back that wants to make a name for yourself and try to dethrone the longest reigning Intercontinental Champion of all time come on down.

I waited a few moments and nobody came out.

Travis: Just like I figured, there isn't anyone left for me to beat. There has to be somebody in the back that wants to opportunity. Looks like I'll be taking this Wrestle Mania off.

I was about to continue talking but was cut off by Alex's music. He made his way down to the ring and was handed a mic.

Alex: Sorry Travis, you're not taking Wrestle Mania off. I accept your challenge.

Travis: Nah I'm good, been there done that.

Alex: What's wrong Travis? Afraid I'll beat you?

Travis: Last time we faced off I beat you. I have nothing left to prove to you.

Alex: But you do Travis. We're tied at 1 victory each. Look at it Travis Crawford vs Alex Johnson part 3 at Wrestle Mania.

Travis: You want the match so bad? You got it.

Alex: Hell yeah

Travis: Since this is our 3rd and final go round it'll be even sweeter when I beat you.

Alex: I'm not the same person you got in the ring with last time. I'm a 2 time WWE Champion.

Travis: Congrats, do you want a cookie? We all know I've always been better than you and I always will be.

Alex: You're that confident you'll beat me?

Travis: I am. Matter of fact, I'm so confident I'll beat you that if I lose, I'll retire.

Alex: I'd be careful what I say if I were you Travis. Remember I've shut you up before and I won't hesitate to do it again. Your track record against me at Wrestle Mania isn't too good.

Travis: That was then, this is now. I've only gotten better since we last met.

Alex: So have I. Like I said Travis, be careful what you wish for. I'll see you at Wrestle Mania.

*Wrestle Mania*

The whole week has been crazy, we finally made it to Wrestle Mania. Early on in the day I let the kids play around by the ring while I sat on the barricade and watched them. Skylar came over and sat next to me.

Skylar: So, are you going to retire tonight?

Travis: Do you think I'm going to lose?

Skylar: You know what I mean dad. Is it part of the story or are you really done?

Travis: I don't know maybe I am, maybe I'm not. Guess you'll find out when the rest of the world does.

Skylar: Well, I can't wait to watch your match.

Travis: Well hopefully I don't disappoint.


Thea and I made our way out to the ring first. We waited for Alex to make his entrance then I handed the ref the belt. I gave Thea a kiss once the belt rang and then Alex and I went to square off. At first we had trouble connecting on a move to start the match since we know each other so well we had a counter. Eventually I caught Alex slipping and took advantage.

*End of Match*

Alex and I have been giving each other everything we have and we can't keep each other down. Alex hit me with a cutter and I kicked out at the last second. I went for the Tazmission and had it locked in but somehow Alex managed to kick off the bottom rope and flip over me causing my shoulders to be pinned. The ref counted 3 and then Alex's music hit.

Mike Rome: Here is your winner AND NEW Intercontinental Champion. Alex Johnson.

I was sitting in the corner and Thea was in the ring talking to me. I saw that the ref was about to hand Alex the championship but I ripped it out of the refs hand. I heard the whole arena boo. I looked at the belt for a moment and then I handed it to Alex and held his hand in the air. Alex and I shared a hug in the middle of the ring. I signaled over to Mike Rome for a mic.

Travis: I just want to take a moment to thank you all for one hell of a career. Now I just want to be honest with y'all. I knew for a while now that tonight was going to be my last match. I have a few injuries that are nagging me so I want to get those taken care of and I want to spend time with my kids before they get too cool to spend time with their dad. Alex, thank you for being my greatest rival and one of my best friends. Keep the ball rolling, and to all of you, thank you a million times. Without you guys I wouldn't be the man I am today.

My music hit and the "Thank you Travis" chants began. Thea and I made it to the top of the stage and I took one last look into the crowd and gave them a wave. I kissed Thea and then we headed to the back. After the show we went to the Wrestle Mania after party and then we went back to the hotel and called it a night.

Follow up.

Retiring was one of the best things I could have done. I took the time to get my knee fixed, and a few other minor things I had going on. I've been helping Skylar train for soccer, she got a scholarship to USC and I couldn't be more proud of her. Thea is still on the road and I've been working at the PC as a coach for about a year now. I've still been working out and staying in ring shape, you never know when the boots may get laced up again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2023 ⏰

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