Death Match

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*6 months later*

Since coming back to the states things have been going really well. I came back because I was going to be working with GCW and they had a partnership with AEW so I've been doing some tapings of Dark. I got invited to the AEW New Years Eve party where I met my now girlfriend, Anna Jay. I've been having one hell of a run in GCW and I'm going to be having a Death Match with Nick Gage at the next Pay Per View in Atlantic City.


It was now time for one of the biggest matches in my career. I'm going one on one with Nick Gage for the GCW World Championship in a Death Match. This match is going to be awesome because we're both fan favorites, before the match I looked down at my phone and saw a text from G telling me good luck. I gave Anna a kiss and then my music hit and I made my way out to the ring.

Nick made his entrance and now we're both in the ring, we have a stare down and then we're off to the races.

*End of Match*

We've basically have been trying to kill each other the entire match, we're both covered in blood from head to toe. I have glass stuck all in my body and I have no idea how I'm still going. I just got smacked with a bundle of light tubes on my back and somehow I managed to kick out at 2. Nick is setting up a sheet of glass on two chairs and he comes back and picks my lifeless body up and sits me on the top turn buckle. Nick connects with the top rope suplex and we go crashing through the glass. He went for the cover and picked up the victory. After the match I made it to the back on my own and then I got cleaned up. While I was getting some of the glass pulled out of my back and stitched up Anna walked into the medical room.

Anna: Are you okay?

Travis: I'm not dead so I'd say yes.

Anna: You need to stop doing this and switch to regular wrestling it's a lot safer.

Travis: This makes me feel alive.

Anna: Babe you really should reconsider.

Travis: I'll be okay.

*Later that night*

We're in the hotel getting ready for bed. Anna has to fly out to Jacksonville for Dynamite this week and I'm going Raw with G since I never got to see her compete in person since she signed with WWE.

*The next day*

Anna and I were at the airport. I was at her gate with her waiting on her flight to board before I went over to my gate and got my flight back home for a few days before I flew out to Philly.


Liv and I have arrived at the arena and I was sitting in a chair talking with her while she was getting her hair and makeup done. While we were talking Triple H came over to us.

Triple H: Liv who is this guy?

Liv: This is my brother Travis, he's here to watch me.

Travis: Travis Crawford, nice to meet you sir.

Triple H: Nice to meet you too. What's going on with all those cuts?

Travis: I had a match this weekend.

Triple H: Jesus kid, I'd hate to see the other guy. Are you signed anywhere?

Travis: I've been working with GCW for a while. I'm not signed or anything I just been getting paid by show. I had a Death Match this weekend.

Triple H: You got a good look and some size to you. I'd offer you a tryout but I don't think that Death Match crap will cut it here. You actually have to have talent to be here.

Travis: I appreciate the offer but I'm pretty happy where I'm at.

Triple H: Have fun in the minor leagues kid.

Triple H walked off and Liv and I looked at each other.

Travis: I think that went well.

Liv: If that's what you want to call it.

When she was done with her hair and make up the doors were opening so I went out to my seat. The show was great and it was awesome finally getting to see my sister compete live. The Riott Squad defeated Natalya and Tamina. After the match I went to the back to go hangout with her.

Travis: That was so awesome. I can't believe how cool my sister is.

Liv: I brought it tonight because I didn't want to look bad in front of you.

Travis: Well you killed it.

Liv: Thanks Travie, Ruby this is my brother Travis. Travis this is my best friend Ruby.

Travis: Nice to meet you Ruby.

Ruby: You too, your sister has told me a lot about you.

The three of us went over to catering and while were sitting there another girl stops by.

Carmella: Hey guys what's up?

Ruby: Not much just grabbing something to eat.

Liv: We're starving.

Carmella looks me up and down and then she looks at Liv.

Carmella: Who's this beautiful man?

Liv: This is my brother Travis.

Carmella: Nice to meet you honey. I'm Carmella but you can call me Leah.

Travis: Nice to meet you.

Liv: Easy Leah he's got a girlfriend.

Carmella: So, soccer has a goalie don't mean you can't score.

Ruby: Oh my god Leah stop it.

I looked over into the distance and I couldn't believe who I saw.

Liv: Earth to Travis....

Travis: My bad, I'll be right back.

I left the girls and I tried to catch up to my best friend from high school.

Ruby: Great job Leah you scared him away.

Travis: Hey shorty wait up.

Zelina: Excuse the fuck out of you.

Travis: Still as feisty as ever I see.

Zelina: Listen leave me alone.

She turned around and her jaw dropped.

Zelina: Travis? Is that really you?

Travis: Last time I checked it was. How have you been Thea?

Zelina: I've been good, I can't believe you're here. I haven't seen you in years.

Travis: I know it's been a while. I just came to watch G wrestle live I've never got to see her compete in person before.

Zelina: That's so cool, we need to catch up it's been so long.

Travis: G and my girlfriend are going to be at my place this weekend if you want to stop by you're more than welcome to come.

Zelina: You still live in Queens?

Travis: Yeah, my parents gave me the house.

Zelina: I'll see you this weekend then.

We shared a hug and then I went back to Gionna and Ruby.

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