Allow Me To Reintroduce Myself

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Thea and I arrived at Raw and they filmed a exclusive of us arriving at the arena. We pulled up and were walking hand and hand into the arena when Kayla Braxton came over to talk with us. We stopped and I put my arm around Thea.

Kayla: Travis, the world is dying to know, why did you turn on Alex last night?

Zelina: You just don't give up do you Kayla?

Travis: They'll find out when I'm ready to tell them. Let's go babe.

Thea and I walked off

Kayla: There you have it ladies and gentlemen.

Before the show started it was a little crazy, I was getting pulled in all sorts of directions. I had to go pick out a new music, get my gear design approved, come up with a new finisher, and look over merch. In between all of that I was able to get away for 2 minutes to grab a Monster from catering and on my way to the merch guys I saw Thea getting her make up done so I stopped by to talk with her a little bit.

Zelina: You okay Trav?

Travis: I'm trying to hide for a minute. They've been pulling me in every direction since I got here.

Zelina: Sit for a minute and chill.

Travis: I don't have time. I have to go pick out a new entrance music. I'd love to sit and chill but I don't have time. I don't even have time to go to the bathroom.

Brad from the merch department is calling my name.

Travis: Fuck they found me. I gotta go I'll see you when the craziness stops.

Zelina: I'll see you later have fun.


In the middle of the show, they cut to Thea and I walking backstage to the ring area.

Saxton: When Raw returns we're going to hear from Travis Crawford. Hopefully we get answers as to why he did the terrible things he did to his partner last night.

Graves: Cry me a river Saxton, you're still upset that your superhero isn't around anymore? Grow up.

We're back from break and my new music hits

We made our way down to the ring and I had my arm around Thea and the fans were booing us she was talking shit to them while we were going to the ring and then I noticed this guy in the front row really getting into it so I walked over to him. He's talking shit to me and I'm just standing there not saying a word then I just flip him off and knocked his hat off of his head. I turned around and climbed the stairs and held the ropes for Thea so she can get into the ring. Thea motioned over for a mic and the time keeper handed her one.

Thea went to speak and the crowd was booing so loud she couldn't get a word in.

Zelina: Will  you people shut the hell up so I can talk

They start booing her even louder so she starts going off on them in Spanish.

Eventually they shut up.

Zelina: Now that you idiots are done being rude, my man would like to talk.

She handed me the mic and I started to talk.

Travis: Allow me to reintroduce myself, my name is Travis Crawford. I'm sure a lot of you are wondering why I attacked my so called partner last night. It's simple, you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain. You see Alex and I wanted different things, he wanted to be the star and get the girl. I mean I don't blame him look at Zelina she's a total babe.

The crowd started to boo so I decided to decided to have a little fun with them. I noticed this fat dude in the front with his wife booing us so I decided to interact with him.

Travis: Yeah boo all you want. None of you will ever get a woman that is as hot as Zelina. Especially you fat boy. I don't know if that's your wife or your sister, but hey we're in Alabama so she could be both. Let me get this straight you're booing me because my girl is hot?

Now he's yelling at me.

Travis: Boooooo. Look that's me booing you because all I can say about your girl is woof. Don't bring her out in the day time and if you do keep her away from Children. I thought Freddy Kruger was a fictional character, Jesus she makes him look like a model. Back to what I was saying before you inbred losers threw me off track. Where did that get you Alex? You were the one left in this very ring defeated while I took your "girl" and your dignity. Hell, you've been with Zelina since September and never even got a kiss. It's okay though she's with a real man now.

Thea and I start to make out in the ring and people are booing again.

Travis: I'm done playing games. I'm more than this superhero bullshit, I'm a god damn star. If you don't believe me then do a google search. I was told that I'd never make it in the WWE but guess what, here I am. They tried to hold me back with this superhero bullshit but I'm done now it's time for the real Travis Crawford to show the WWE what I can do. Alex you're on my hit list, I'd watch my back if I was you bitch.

Zelina: I think it's cute that Alex actually thought I liked him. Let's be honest it was all mind games, I knew you were weak and I played to that. You don't have what it takes to be the guy around here. Travis was the one that did the heavy lifting for the team you just came and took the spotlight. We'll see you soon sweetie.

Moments later Alex's music hit.

Alex: Why wait when I'm here now. You two talk a whole lot of crap when I'm not out here. Well, I'm here now and you're not talking.

Travis: Look at you Mr. Bad Ass trying to get sympathy from these losers. It's pretty sad if you ask me.

Alex: Let's go right here right now. I'm going to shut you up once and for all.

Travis: You see I'd love to embarrass you right now but I'm clearly not dressed to compete. Besides these hillbillies don't deserve to see greatness in action.

Alex: Fine be a bitch.

I got in his face and the crowd is cheering because they want to see a fight. I played it off for a second like I was going to fight but I just left the ring. Thea and I walked up the ramp while we got booed.

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