Chapter 51

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We're back in Orlando and I'm so happy to get to see Skylar. Over the past few months, we really haven't got to spend a lot of time with her. Gionna and Tyler were coming over for dinner tonight. Thea and I had just got finished cooking and Skylar was helping Gionna set the table up.

*During dinner*

Liv: Are you two excited it's almost wedding time.

Zelina: Girl don't remind me I'm super stressed.

Liv: Don't be, enjoy the whole process.

Travis: I honestly can't wait.

Skylar: Mommy, Daddy can I spend the night with Aunt Gionna and Uncle Tyler?

Zelina: Maybe next time sweetie. They just got home and I'm sure they want to relax a little bit.

Liv: She's fine Thea. If y'all don't mind we're totally okay with her staying with us.

Travis: I'm fine with it.

Skylar: Please Mommy.

She looks at Thea with puppy eyes.

Zelina: Ugh I can't say no to that face.

Skylar: Yay, Uncle Tyler can we go feed the ducks in the morning?

Tyler: You love feeding the ducks, don't you?

Skylar: That's my most favorite thing to do with you.

Tyler: That's my favorite thing to do too.

Travis: Go pack your stuff up. I'll be in there shortly to make sure you got everything.

Skylar: Okay daddy.

Travis: You sure you two don't mind?

Tyler: We're sure, it gives us practice anyway for our little one.

I looked over at G and her eyes got big and she kicked Tyler under the table.

Tyler: Oops.

Zelina: Oops what.

Liv: Oh nothing.

Travis: You're a bad liar G spill it.

Liv: Ugh fine, Tyler and I are going to have a baby.

Zelina: Oh my god seriously?

Liv: Yeah, I found out a few days ago.

Travis: That's awesome, I can't wait to be an uncle.

Tyler: Actually, we want you guys to be the Godparents.

Zelina: We'd be honored.

Travis: Why didn't you want to tell us yet?

Liv: I just didn't want you guys to be upset. I know you guys lost the baby not too long ago and I just felt guilty.

Zelina: G don't feel bad. We're so happy for you two. Our time will come I don't ever want you to feel like that.

*Later that night*

I had just got out of the shower, I got dressed and sat on the couch and watched tv while Thea was in the shower. A little while later Thea came walking into the living room and sat down next to me and cuddled up with me.

Travis: Everything alright? I can tell you have something on your mind.

Zelina: Do you think we should try again for a baby?

Travis: I would love nothing more than having a baby with you. Are you ready to try again?

Zelina: I think so. I mean I want us to become parents but at the same time I'm nervous. What if the same thing happens again?

Travis: What if it doesn't happen again? I'd be lying if I told you I wasn't nervous either but we can't let that discourage us. If we're both nervous about it then why don't we just wait.

Zelina: You're right, especially with the wedding coming up soon. I don't think the stress from that would help out.

Travis: Exactly, let's not rush things.

Zelina: There's nothing wrong with a little practice.

Travis: You're right there isn't.

Thea and I began to make out and then we started to undress. We didn't even make it to our room we had sex right there on the couch.

*Later in the week*

We had a live event in Orlando so Skylar came with us to the show and hung around backstage with us until the doors opened and then she went to her seat and sat with Alex's sister. Thea and I had a mixed tag match against Alex and Rhea. The match was pretty fun it was a typical live event match. Thea and I acted like the scared heels the whole time and the match would end when Rhea hit the Riptide on Thea and did her signature pin on her. Alex would take me out before I could break up with pin. After the show we said goodbye to Skylar because we had to hit the road for Raw tomorrow night.

*The next day*

Before Raw we met up with Rhea and Alex for lunch. When Thea and I walked into the restaurant I had a huge smile on my face.

Rhea: Why you so happy mate?

Travis: Rhea I want to say thank you.

Rhea: For what?

Travis: I never knew Thea was that flexible. Let's just say I had a lot of fun last night in the hotel room. All thanks to you my friend.

Thea slapped me in the arm when I said that.

Zelina: Babe, people don't need to know about our sex life.

Travis: My bad.

Rhea: Yeah, that was a little tmi. You're welcome though glad you had fun.

We ate lunch and then we chatted for a little bit before heading to the arena for the show. We really didn't have anything to do since One Night Stand was this Sunday the only thing we had to do was a contract signing to make the match official. The contract signing got out of hand I went through the table and Alex got laid out with a chair. Tyler held the Universal Championship high above his head while he got met with boos from the fans.

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