I Do

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*1 month later*

The day I've been waiting for since I was a teenager is finally here. It's finally Thea and I's wedding day. I was getting ready with Tyler, Andre, Alex, and Seth when Gionna came knocking.

Travis: Come in.

Liv: Before I come in you boys aren't naked are you?

Travis: Nobody is naked you're good to come in.

Liv: Wow look at you handsome devils. You boys clean up nice.

Travis: Thanks sis.

Tyler: Thanks baby.

Tyler gave G a kiss and put his hand over her belly.

Tyler: How's little man doing?

Liv: Very active today but it's probably cause he's excited for Uncle Travis to get married.

She came over and pinched my cheeks.

Travis: Why are you so damn annoying at times.

Liv: That is my job as your little sister. Deal with it butthead.

Travis: How do Thea and Skylar look?

Liv: Oh my god they both look so freaking beautiful. You excited?

Travis: I am.

Liv: We'll they're almost ready and it's getting close to the time so I'm going to leave.

After Gionna left we finished getting ready and then it was time to head out.

Travis: Alright gentlemen are you ready?

Tyler: We're ready.

Travis: Alex, you got the rings?

Alex: What rings?

Andre: Bruh, c'mon now how the hell are you going to be in charge of the rings and not know what he's talking about.

Travis: Thea and I's wedding rings. Do you have them?

Alex: No, I thought Tyler had them.

Tyler: Why would I have them?

Alex: Because you're the best man.

Andre: Oh boy, this is gonna be interesting. Somebody call an ambulance because Travis is about to kill this man.

Seth: Well kid it was nice working with you. I'll be sure to send Rhea some flowers at your funeral on behalf of me and Becks.

I started to corner Alex.

Travis: Alex where are the fucking wedding rings.

Alex: In my pocket.

Alex reached into his pocket and pulled out the ring.

Alex: You should have seen the look on your face. It was priceless.

Tyler: You do know he was about to kill you right?

Alex: Listen it was just a little payback. All those times you fucked with me on the road.

Travis: I never fucked with you.

Alex: Oh really? What about that time when you, Randy, and Riddle got wasted on the European tour and snuck into my room at 4 am and let 3 chickens loose?

Travis: That was one time.

Alex: Or that time you changed my name on my travel to Harry Ballsonya.

We all started laughing when he said that one.

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