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Bali, Indonesia.

Wisps of hair swept along her cheeks, caressing them just as his fingers loved to do. She smiled and kissed his jaw before laying her head back to it's position which was on his broad chest.

"Staying indoors is the best for this weather."

"Hm agreed, what do they call it again?"

"Weather for two." She giggled snuggling more into him.

He smiled as he made small circles on her upper arm which had a scar left by her stepmother. Ariana noticed how he loves soothing the place and has caught him severally on many occasions staring at the place.

"Haven? what happened here?" He finally got over his curiosity and asked. She remained mum for some seconds not knowing what to stay. He already knew what she had gone through at her father's house even before they got married so why was he asking?.

She sighed before speaking.
"One of Mama's doings."

Aryan clenched his fists tightly trying his best not to lose his calm. He wondered how one could possess the heart to torture someone that deep. Add that to the fact that Ariana was in her teenage years when it happened. his haven! Ya Allah!

"It wasn't her fault anyways,hadn't been Abbi loved us and treated us the way we deserved, she wouldn't even dare to do that." She sadly chuckled caressing his bare chest. Aryan's memory immediately flashed to Ariana's mother who asked him to pray for as she was going through so much in return for saving his life years ago. He wanted to bring up the topic but decided not to. At least not now.

"The good thing about life is that everything passes. Now all that happened has become history that was why Allah advised us to be patient in whatever situation we found ourselves in. Sabr is hard but it really pays off.Now it is left for them to change or not, what i know is that Allah never allows any injustice go scott free. Haven i promise you i would never allow any harm come your way again In Sha Allah. You've already gone through enough." He kissed her forehead snuggling her more into him. Ya Allah!what he feels towards his haven was completely different. No words in the dictionary could be used to describe how he felt towards her, how he loves her!.

He feels like hiding her away from the world and keeping her all to himself within the comfort of his arms. And Alhamdulilah! the good thing is that SHE IS HIS! and he could do whatever he wanted to do with her.

"I love you hun'" She sniffed burying her face in the crook of his neck.

"I love you more my haven. no more tears okay?" He smiled kissing her lids.
She swiftly opened her eyes and stared deeply at his orbs and like he always does, he saw the words unspoken and hence made the move.

"What do you want haven?" He softly whispered his breath even, caressing her face. She heaved a sigh and a small smile made it's way on her face. She cupped his face and leaned in whispering in his ears.

"You.i need you hun'" And in response he locked their lips together and as always she surrendered herself to him letting him have his ways with her.

Lights out!..

"Mummy!" Aira's chubby whiny face appeared on the screen making a bright smile make it's way on Ariana's face.

"My baby! how are you doing and where is Adyan?"

"She's been bugging me to call you since yesterday Ariana." Habi's face appeared and Ariana smiled.

"They've missed Mummy aye?"

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