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"Do not do that which Allah has forbidden you to."

Malik Residence.
Kano, Nigeria.

"Mama please!you can do anything to me but please don't hurt my sisters." Ariana pleaded.

"Then stand up and go do my chores." Hajiya Nusaiba shrugged. "And i give you two minutes to be present at my side." She added before walking away.

"Ya Ariana! we are really hungry." Safaa pouted.

Ariana kept mum not knowing what to say to them. She was also hungry as hell! Their grandparents provided them with everything they would need before leaving but as evil as her stepmother was, she took away everything not leaving them with a single grain of food.

"You know what? they must be having dinner by now go and have some with them." She smiled pinching their cheeks.

They both smiled but pouted their lips.
"Ya Ariana! Abbi...."

"He won't say anything to you okay?" She smiled.


"I promise..now go." She smiled and made their ways out with her following behind them.

"What do you want?!" The stepmother seethed upon their entrance.

"Mama!we're hungry." They both said with pouted lips.

"And so? i don't give a damn!leave."

"Safaa and Marwa are not going anywhere Mama! they will have their dinner right here with us." Khalil said with finality in his tone.

"Khalil! how dare you go against my orders huh?"

"Mama fisabililah how can you leave this small kids to starve? No! i won't allow that!." He said and afterwards yelled Ariana's name who came into the parlor almost immediately.

"You guys should take your seats and have dinner." He ordered.

Hajiya Nusaiba furiously stood up and left the dining table. Alhaji Malik followed her to calm her not before glaring at Khalil. Khalil scoffed wondering when his parents will ever change.

"Ya Khalil Seriously? i don't know why you're being all nice to these filthy beings." Jiddah said with disgust.

"Jiddah! i dare you to say another word again and wallahi you will regret it." Khalil bellowed to which the girl shivered in fear.

Emir's Palace.
Kano, Nigeria.

"You have no idea how i missed you baby." A young beautiful lady around her early twenties exclaimed giddy.

"I missed you too my love." Aryan smiled taking her hands into his before leading them to the couch.

"Just a month babes and you will forever be mine In ShaAllah." Aryan smiled lovingly at her.

"I really can't wait baby! i feel like drawing the time closer seriously! if only Abba will agree to tie the knot today." She pouted her small pink lips.

"Sabr babes! the day will come in no time In ShaAllah."

"In Sha Allah! omg! can't wait for the day already." She giggled making Aryan to laugh.

"Ya Allah! how can i even forget?and you caused it all!" She punched his bulky arm.

"What!?what have i done now?"

"You kept me here and i was supposed to go and see my beloved Aunt and soon to be my mother in-law!"

"My Sultanaaaaa." Aira exclaimed crushing Sultana into a bone-crushing hug. Aryan and the other occupants of the room smiled lovingly at their bond.

"My Aira how are you my baby?" Sultana smiled placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Huh! i wasn't feeling well before!but when i saw you my happiness came back in full force!" Aira said making Sultana and Aryan to laugh.

"Leave us." Sultana ordered and Jakadiya and Hadiza nodded before exiting the room to give them privacy.

"Do you know who spoilt my mood?" Aira said laying on Sultana's laps.

"No my baby who is was it?" Sultana smiled caressing Aira's hair.

"Hmm! Aryan did! and i want you to punish him my Sultana." Aira pouted looking at a flabbergasted Aryan.

Aryan dropped the apple he was eating and stared at Aira unbelievably.

"Seriously? we were cool before we came into Mom's chamber!like seriously Aira?" He exclaimed making the both of them to laugh.

"Yes!you make me forget everything when i'm with you." She sheepishly smiled. Aryan laughed while Sultana playfully smacked Aira's head.

"Naughty girl." Aira laughed and duck her head into Sultana's laps.

Queen Hidaya salaamed and entered the parlor with her protruding belly. Aryan barely held back the hiss that was about to escape out of his mouth.

He still doesn't see the reason why his father married her. For Allah's sake he is older than her!She was just his Aira's age mate! The girl is even scared of him! Funny.

He stood up and bade his mother before exiting the parlor to which Aira did the same before following after him.

"May you live long in prosperous health and wealth Sultana." She smiled slightly bowing.

"How are you Hidaya? have a sit please." Sultana smiled. She's never taken queen Hidaya as a co-wife, instead as her own daughter. She sees no reason why she will compete with someone whom her elder son was older than.And on the other side, queen Hidaya also took Sultana as her mother but with the way the other queens were painting her mind black she was beginning to change.

"Thank you Sultana." She smiled and sat down with great difficulties courtesy to her pregnancy giving her hard time.

"What brought you here?" And like waterfalls queen Hidaya started her tears.

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