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Aryan left back to his chamber still shocked by what happened! he still couldn't believe his sketch existed.

He hurried upstairs to his room and brought out the sketch he discarded months ago. He again confirmed it! She was the girl he just saw not less than five minutes ago. How's this even possible?.

He quickly muttered an 'Astaghfirullah' knowing he's questioned the authority of Allah. He sighed and set his gaze back at the sketch. She was the same girl! Only she wasn't wearing an Alkyabba when he saw her like he sketched.

It still baffles him how he had never met the girl before yet he drew her! He never thought in his life that she existed. Matter fact, he thought no one existed with that type of beauty.
(Note the Hyperbole😂where are the Literature students?)

Indeed! Allah is the superior, all mighty and all knowing. He sighed and placed back the drawing where he had kept it before. He was about to leave the room when something caught his eyes through the curtains.

It was the girl with his cousin Asma, walking towards the gate as they conversed. He moved closely to the window so as to have a clearer view of them. He was only seeing their backs as they walked until they got out of the gates and he couldn't see them anymore.

He need to know who that girl was! He need to consult Asma as soon as possible. This whole situation is messing with his head. Or was he just hallucinating? No way! This is real! He had saw it with his own eyes.

Oh his Aira! In times like this, she was the only remedy that cures him. He finds peace in her. She knew every solution to his problems. And sometimes when he dealing with a messy problem like this, she was the only one who could cheer him and give him solutions to the problems. Ya Allah!.

"May your gentle soul continue to rest in Jannah My Aira. No one will ever be able to replace you in my heart."

He suddenly felt the urge to see his kids. He went to see them earlier but couldn't because of his encounter with the girl. It still felt surreal.

He was at it when his seven year old twin siblings came into the room. Hamid and Hamida (Hayfa). They often visit his chamber to chat and play with him and he was very glad. Their presence always take things off his head.

"Ya Aryan!" They both said as they sat beside him on the bed, their legs folded.

"The H's." That's the name he calls them to tease them especially Hamid. He always says that him and his twin are not twins and he's older because he came out first. They should only be called Siblings not twins. Funny.

"Ya Aryan! Pleasee." Hamid whined and Aryan chuckled.

"Okay, i'm sorry Yaya Hamid." Aryan teased making the boy to blush and cover his face with his chubby and tiny palms.

"So, what's up? what happened at school today." He said cheerfully. The twins always gist him about school and the new friends they made everyday. Some for friendship while some were just there because of their status.

"Nothing much really happened at school. But i dealt with a girl today Ya Aryan." Hayfa pouted.

"Wow, why?" Aryan asked amazed.

"She was copying my classwork our Aunty gave us. I told her to stop but she didn't listened! I even covered it with my hands but that girl was peeping. So i gave her a big knock on her head and reported her." She said and pouted. Hamid laughed while Aryan just smiled.

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