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It took Habi like forever to register what her cousin just said to her. Ya Aryan- Aidah. When and how did it started? She thought.

"Are you really serious Aida?" Habi asked again to confirm what her ears just heard. Admitted, she's caught Aida countless times staring at Ya Aryan or blush when he talks to her or when someone speaks of him. She never thought Aida was in love with him!. Ya Allah! This is a great news.

"Ya Allah Aida! I'm so happy wallah! I will go tell Mom right now! She needs to hear this so that your marriage will take place as soon as possible." Habi squealed and stood up but Aida abruptly held her hands and sat her down.

"You will be running mouth like tap water." Aida hissed while Habi laughed.

"I don't want anyone to know it yet! Heck i also didn't realised when i fell for him! And the man in subject also has no idea about this." Aida stated.

"Why haven't you told him? And why don't you want me to tell Mom and aunt Hana'ah?" Habi asked with furrowed brows.

"I'm scared Habi, really scared." Aida sighed slumping on the bed.

"Scared of what exactly Aida?"

"I'm scared no one will ever approve of my relationship with Ya Aryan! He was my late sister's husband, i feel like i'm cheating on my sister! i also kind of hate myself for letting my heart harbour feelings for him seriously Aida."

"Why would anyone be against your relationship? And why would you hate yourself for loving him? For all i know it isn't haram! As Ya Aira's sister, you would be the in the best position to marry Ya Aryan more than any girl. And don't you think Ya Aira would love that to? Think wisely girl! I know Ya Aryan would never reject you! Afterall you're beautiful and perfect in every way. Most importantly you're his first love's carbon copy! It wouldn't take a while before he falls for you too." Habi gingered and Aida smiled. She was indeed grateful to Habi for encouraging her and not misunderstanding her.

"But do you think My parents and Sultana would agree to it? I'm really scared Habiba." Aida sighed.

"Oh! How i would love to tell you how Mom adores you! Believe me she would be the happiest woman in this planet if she comes to know of this news. And don't you think she always had that thought of you and Ya Aryan? Especially when she saw the way you helped him heal after Ya Aira's death?"

"If she had had the thought before why didn't she made the move Habi?"

"Probably because she might think you've a boyfriend and will be ruining your happiness if she does so." Habi sighed softly.

"Oh my God! You're such a sweetheart Habiba! I love you soo much! You've no idea how you've made me become encouraged about all this." Aida beamed and hugged her cousin.

"I know right darling. And it is Haa-bi not Habiba please! Arggh! I hate the name, it sounds like an old woman or something." Habi said making Aida to laugh in shock.

"Ah, isn't it your name Habiba? Whether you like it or not!" Aida laughed while Habi glared at her.

"I don't even know why Dad decided to name me that seriously, there are many names like Fatima, Aisha, Khadijah, Aafiya, and many sweet names but upon all the names on earth he decided to name me Habiba for God's sake!" She pouted.

"Hence you became Habi ko? Well he named you after his mother incase you've forgotten." Aida laughed.

"Right, that mean being!" Habi screeched and they both laughed in unison.

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