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  إِنَّ مَعَ ٱلْعُسْرِ يُسْرًا.
Verily, with every hardship comes ease .  (Qur'an 94:6)

إِنَّ اللّهَ مَعَ الصَّابِرِينَ
Surely, Allah is with those that are patient. (Suratul Baqarah, verse 153).

Emir's palace.

"Barka da rana." Ariana greeted her father in law.

"Barka dai, how are you dear? Your mother told me you arrived a while ago."

"Yes Dad, he dropped us earlier in the morning before leaving for office."

"Mashaa Allah, how are you my prince?" He smiled at baby Aahil and Ariana handed the baby to him.

"He's growing fast Mashaa Allah."

"Yes Dad, he's getting into four months now."

"Mashaa Allah. May Allah continue to bless him."

"Ameen ya rabb."

"Where do you intend to work after your Service cops?" He asked while she duck her head when they made eye contact.

"I don't know yet Dad.." She said in her calm voice.

"I would've loved for you to join us in our comapany, we really need a fresh barrister like you." He jovially said while she chuckled.

"Aryan told me that you're more interested in practicing your profession right?" He asked while she slowly nodded.

"That's good Mashaa Allah, i'm proud of you. I will see to it. You will fulfill your dream In Sha Allah." He smiled.

"Thank you so much Dad. Allah saka da alkhairi, Allah ya qara girma."

"Ameen ameen. I can see that my prince isn't the tantrum type." He smiled at Aahil who was playing with his beard.

"Yes, he isn't." She smiled back.

"Mashaa Allah, that's good. Aahil go to Maama." Ariana stood from where she was seated on the flush carpet before taking Aahil from her father in law's hands.

"A huta lafiya Dad."

"Allah miki albaraka. (May Allah bless you)." He prayed with a smile on his lips.

"Ameen." She smiled back and exited the parlor but stopped on her tracks at the entrance when she met with the face of the last person she wanted to see on earth.

She hugged her baby to her chest and stared at her, head to toe until her eyes stopped on her big protruding belly. Her stare lingered there before taking her face away and made the move to walk away when she was stopped by the person.

"Ariana pleasee..." Hidaya started in a shaky voice.

"We're already over with that right? i've forgiven you months ago because one shouldn't pay evil with evil. So, leave me alone and please pave way for me." Ariana stated in her calmest voice.

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