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Malik Residence.
Kano, Nigeria.

Alhaji Malik stirred in his sleep hoping to wake up from the horrific dream he was having..after some series of shakes and turning he jerked up opening his eyes.

"Innanilahi wa'ina ilaihi raji'un." He whispered wiping his sweaty face with his sweaty palms and after some seconds, he stood up and headed to the bathroom.

He brushed his teeth and washed his face and just when he was about to exit the bathroom, he felt like puking and before he could shake off the feeling....a black--ish liquid started spurring out of his mouth.

His eyes bulge as he stared at the black--ish thing. He shook his head off and washed his mouth again before exiting the bathroom. What could be wrong with him?he hasn't been himself for days which he doesn't know why and now this?.

His sight met with Hajiya Nusaiba who just came in holding a cup of milk in her hand.
"You're awake already." She grinned making her way to him to which he stopped her by indicating with his hands. He doesn't know why...but he dislikes her or any of the kids presence near him nowadays.

"I want to be left alone please."

"But why?! i don't understand you these days Malik!you always shoo me away when ever i or the kids come near you!we don't eat, chat nor sleep together anymore! I'm fed up seriously, what the hell is wrong with you?!"

He didn't gave her an answer instead walked pass her and exited the room. She groaned and let out a loud wail. What the hell was wrong with him?.She thought with a blazing fury.

He ignored Jiddah's greetings who was watching a movie in the parlor and exited the place. He stopped on his tracks immediately he came out and he stare lingered on the building which was opposite him; Late Fatima's building, Ariana's mother.

Ya Allah!what was wrong with him?? He thought before furiously entering his car and zooming out of the house. Maybe, just maybe he would find peace out there.

"Ariana i'm in pain." Asma cried hugging Ariana's body tightly.

"Subhanallah, you're scaring me baby, please tell me what happened." She worriedly asked shushing her best friend.

"Aliyu has cheated me!i just saw his wedding invitation last night. Ya Allah! Ariana is this fair?what did i ever do to deserve such from him?i loved him so much." She hysterically cried on Ariana's chest.

"Innanilahi wa'ina ilaihi raji'un!how dare he?how could he do this to you?this wasn't fair at all!"

"I confronted him and the only excuse he gave me was that his mother forced him into marrying his cousin." She broke down again.

"Ya Allah!he's such a cheat!i can sense pure lies from his words!if that was the truth why didn't he told you until you found out yourself?i can't believe this. It's okay baby, stop crying over him okay? That cheat is not worth your tears. Allah will find a better one for you In Sha Allah. Take this as part of your destiny. Now cheer up my girl."

"In Sha Allah, but you know it isn't easy right? i've been together with that dude since we were in our year one in London remember?" Asma chuckled.

"Yeah i know, it happened for the best. I was never a fan of him afterall." Ariana scrunched her face making Asma to laugh for the first freaking time in a while.

"Yeah i know, can you now please tell me why you dislike him since we're not together anymore?" Asma pouted.

"Well ever since he asked me out while the both of you were in a relationship." Ariana dropped making Asma to froze.

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