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Emir's Palace.
Kano, Nigeria.

The atmosphere in the air was so tensed that it could be cut off with a knife. Everyone lost in their trap. Ariana's silent sobs were what could be only heard.

Aryan who was pacing back and forth stopped and turned to Ariana.
"How did this happen?"

"I've already told you right?" She whispered her voice hoarse from crying.

"Damn it!that wasn't my question!!my question is how did you learn to be this careless to let my daughter all alone on the palace view in the name of fetching some stupid cookies!!" He added with a fury.

"I'm sorry please...i...i'm still new here and i didn't knew things like these happens,i thought we're all safe and guarded within the four walls of the Palace." She stated crying.

Sultana sighed and squeezed her arm.
"It's okay dear, enough with the tears. Aira will be found In Sha Allah."

"Trust me dear this royalty is not what it seems like it is." Habi said.

An incoming call came through Aryan's phone to which he immediately slide and answered the call and when he didn't heard the good news as he expected, he threw the phone making it land on the tiled floor.

"Ya Aryan please take it easy, Aira will be found In Sha Allah."

"How could you expect me to take it easy when my little girl is out there in God knows whose hands?!"
"I will just go and search for her myself since those incompetent people can't!." He added picking his car keys.

"I will come with you please.." Ariana whispered.

"There's no need." Aryan said trying his best to stay calm at her.

"Pleasee--" She started but he cut her off.

"I said there's no need Ariana! what we're in here right now is all your fault!"
"Aryan please..it was already destined that this would happen..stop putting the blame on Ariana." Sultana stated.

"How could you even say that?..i didn't know it wasn't safe to leave her there." She cried.

"Because she is not your daughter right???if she was your daughter..you would've never left her there all alone." He spat.

"Aryan!!!" Sultana cautioned.

Ariana triggered on her feet slumping down on the cold floor staring at him with tear filled eyes. His words stabbing her right in her chest. How could he say that?.

Queen Hidaya went to her and held her before moving her gaze to an also dazed Aryan.
"You shouldn't have said that Aryan!you of all people knows how Ariana loves and takes very good of the twins like her own."

"Stay out of this!this is none of your damn business! i don't even know why you're here. This is a family matter."

"Mind the way you speak at me Aryan! if anything i'm your father's wife!!you might be older than me but you should know that i'm now superior over you!" She retorted back.

"Okay, this is enough..you may leave to your chamber Hidaya."
Sultana calmly stated. Queen Hidaya nodded and patted Ariana's back before exiting the parlor not before glaring at Aryan.

"And you Aryan!what you said wasn't right! Ariana is the twins mother!what happened was a mistake and was already destined to happen. So, i don't ever want to hear you say that okay?" Sultana stated to which he nodded regretful of his words. He moved his gaze to Ariana who still had tears with Hayfa and Habi calming her.

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