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"Whoever treads a path seeking knowledge, Allah will make easy for him the path to Paradise."

Malik Residence.
Kano, Nigeria.

The next morning, Ariana held her siblings hand and entered the house. The twins have already caught up with flu and cold.

"Oh! Bitch, how was your night? i hope you enjoyed the rain?" Basma and Jiddah laughed heartlessly at Ariana.

She didn't pay any heed to them and held an emotionless face. She bathed her siblings and also bathed herself. They wore their uniforms and came out of the room where they met the whole family having breakfast.

She looked at her father with burning fiery, anger and hatred. He also held her gaze with his emotionless face. But deep down, his heart was twitching at the way his daughter was looking at him which could show how much she hated him.

"Ke!!! What's the meaning of this huh? are you going to eat him up with those eyes of yours? Witch! Leave here!" Hajiya Nusaiba thundered.

Ariana hissed loudly and looked at them one more before exiting the parlor with her siblings tailing behind her. She could hear Hajiya Nusaiba gasping surprised by her actions.

"Ya Ariana! we're really hungry." The twins cried.

"What can i do Safaa, Marwa? you know clearly that evil woman won't give us any. Sorry, i will find a way let's get to school we're late." She smiled at them and they nodded weakly.

She couldn't concentrate in school, many things were bothering Ariana at the same time. She was hungry, sick, emotional, depressed and all sort of things. Most importantly she was worried about her siblings condition. They were very hungry and what will they feel when they see their mates eating.

"Ariana!!" She flinched upon hearing Asma's voice.

"Ariana you're sick!you have high fever." Asma said feeling Ariana's temperature.

"I'm fine, is it yet break time?" She asked.

"Yes Ariana!and you look weak have you had your breakfast?" Asma asked to which Ariana looked down and nodded her head.

Asma looked at her with pity barely holding the tears in her eyes. Ya Allah! What was Ariana going through?.

She hugged her and Ariana broke down in tears.
"You see! that is why i hate letting people know of my condition now you're looking at me with pity! You're even crying. Please stop." She cried.

"I'm sorry,let's head to the cafeteria but let's get Safaa and Marwa first." Asma smiled and Ariana smiled back gratefully at Asma. She doesn't know how to ever repay this angel next to her. Ya Allah! They were still good people in the world.

They all left to the cafeteria and Asma paid for their bills. and after they were done, Ariana hugged Asma and thanked her for all her kindness towards them.

Ariana was still feeling sick during closing time. Jiddah has already left with the driver so they had to trek.

They were walking along the street with her siblings holding each of her hand when she felt dizzy and her vision getting blurry and when her legs couldn't contain her, she gave into the darkness that engulfed her.

"She was the girl i was talking to you about my Sultana." Sultan Amin said staring at Ariana's lifeless body laying on the hospital bed.

"Allah sarki! i don't know her but i could sense her pain and distress." Sultana said.

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