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The dining chamber was eerily quite with only the clacking of cutleries against each other. It was Sultan's rule that nobody speaks while eating. Sultan was at head chair as usual and Sultana besides him. The queens usually sit in a row while their children occupies the opposite row with Grandmother at the end head chair.

Now as they ate their lunch peacefully, everyone was present with the exception of three people. Aryan and his kids. Sultana couldn't help but wondered what was taking Hadiza so long to freshen the kids up who came back from school to the dining to have their lunch.

And as if reading her thoughts, Hadiza salaamed and came in with the twins running and giggling to reach the diner.

"Shaiyamu Ayaiykum." They both said earning some smiles and giggles from the elders and the younger ones.

They both pecked Sultan and Sultana before drawing a sit and sat beside Sultan. A maid came forward and served them before moving back to her standing position.

Aira scrunched her face and pouted when she saw the content of the food. It was a steamy Pankasau with miyan taushe. She disliked that food.

"Grandmom! i don't like thish food." She whined pouting. Sultana looked up at her and smiled. She tried many times to make the twins learn to eat the traditional food but failed They were only used to pasta, noodles, junks and sugary stuff. She is now realizing her mistake of letting them get used to sugary stuff.

"I alsho don't like it!" Adyan chirped in.

"Kaji ja'iran yara kuna 'yan 'yan sarauta ku ce baza ku ci abincin gargajiya ba! ; see these silly kids, you're royals and you're saying you won't eat traditional food?" Grandmother said in her usual strict tone.

"Grandmother! When are you going to die pleash! You're sho old already." Aira said making all of the dining members to gasp. Habi, Hanan, Hanifa and Hadiya couldn't take it so they burst into fits of laughter. Hamid and Hayfa also joined.

"Kaji ja'iran yara! Look at these silly kids! I won't die come and kill me! Just because i am old doesn't mean i'm going to die understood! Death is not by age! Your mother died when she was still in her early twenties, manner less kids!." Grandmother fumed really angry. If you want to see her angry, then remind her about death which is inevitable no matter how we don't want it.

"You shee grandmom? That is why i want a mother sho that Grandmother would stop saying we don't have a mother. Pleash get one for ush right Adyan?" Aira pouted.

"It's okay, you will get one very soon In Sha Allah. And don't ever talk to Mother like that okay?" Sultana smiled at them.

"Yesh grandmom. I am shorry Grandmother."

"You should be sorry for yourselves! You that doesn't have a mother or knows what a mother warmth is!" Grandmother hissed furiously not minding they were just little kids. Five year olds to be precise.

Aira pouted and burst out into a sound cry. "I alsho want a mother!" Sultana stood up and went to her before scooping Aira up despite her chubby nature.

"Shush, it's okay my dear, you will get one very soon! And i'm here also. Stop crying." She smiled wiping her tears.

"But you're my grandmom. I want a mother alsho!"

"It's okay my baby, let's go to my chamber. I have freshly made cookies for you and Adyan." And that lit Aira's face up. Sultana held Adyan's hands and they exited the chamber not before giving her mother in-law a heated look.

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